It's Time

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A/N yes I only put that song because of the title. Yes I love Imagine Dragons DEAL WITH IT! Also go subscribe to my channel FangirlingWithGaven. You guys can then see my ugly face!! Also check out my friend Cookies And milk on YouTube

Harry POV
I have my hand in Ginny's as we make our way down to the great hall where we will tell Hermione and Ron.

I give her a slight kiss on the lips and she giggles softly. We step into the great hall and fast walk over to the Gryffindor table.

Neither of them notice us because they are too busy bantering about how much food Ron eats.

"They should really get together," Ginny whispers in my ear "I ship them."
"Yeah they're ship name would be Romione" I whisper back. We start laughing which makes Hermione and Ron look at us weirdly. "What can I not laugh" Ginny says to Ron. He goes back to eating. "What are you both so happy about?" Hermione says with a slight smirk. "Oh nothing," "other than," "we are dating" we say that last part at the same time like Fred and George.

Hermione POV

Ron nearly spits out all of the food stuffed in his mouth when he heard this. "What?!" he exclaims after swallowing his food. "Ginny I thought I said NOT to get in my life!!" This makes Ginny get a sad look in her eyes but I can see she is keeping it in and being strong. Then I see her get angry. She goes from sad to angry so fast you wouldn't even have noticed she was sad.


She stormed out of the great hall.

"Bloody hell why is she acting like that?!" Ron says.

"Ron just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have!" I say rudely. Harry gets up and says, "I'll go help her."

A/N thanks for reading and thank you.      Prabzhere for wanting this chapter!!
Mischief Managed.

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