The Dance Gets Heated

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Harry POV
Okay so we have spent most of the night dancing and my feet aren't even tired!!! I love dancing with Ginny!!! This night could never have been better even with Cho. You know what? I think I got over Cho!!! When the song is over McGonagall goes up on stage and announces that the legends The Weird Sisters will be performing!! Ginny looks extremely excited!!!  They start singing and when the song ends I pull Ginny closer to me and........ I KISS HER!! OH MY MERLIN!!! I JUST KISSED GINNY WEASLEY RON'S LITTLE SISTER!!! Wait she is kissing back!! Everyone goes silent around us other than the occasional wolf whistle. I then remember Ron is in the bathroom. So I kiss Ginny harder and she kisses me harder. I guess no one seems to care anymore (other than all of my admirers) because they all start talking again. We pull away for breath and Ginny whispers "Harry I like you." "Ginny I like you too." And we kiss again this time softer, sweeter and more meaningful. There are times when you should passionately snog someone and this is not one of those times. When the dance ends we go our separate ways deciding to tell Hermione and Ron in the morning.

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