Prologue Part 2

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Before leaving to training, I slid off my silk robe and quickly got dressed in a sports bra and some short shorts. I quickly put my hair into a pony tail and then headed to my training room. Only who Master Storm chose was able to train others and I was his prodigy. When I arrived some of the guys blushed and whistled. Each and every one of them caught my eye and I had them fight me. I slipped my foot under theirs and pushed them causing them to lose balance and lose.

Master storm wouldn't be pleased if I hurt his little minions.


-Few Hours Later-

My body had adjusted to the training years ago meanwhile the others were practically dying.

Take a sip of my water I clutched the staff in my other hand.

Tossing the closed water bottle on the ground I announced. "I'll take you all I'm before the end of training. How bout it?"

The new boys snickered. The girls and men fully aware of my abilities stood back.

The boys surrounded me after picking their weapons. Sharp ones at that.

Standing in the center I held the staff low. Waiting for the attack.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I tossed the staff up, grabbed his arm and flipped him into his back, reaching out my arm to catch the now falling staff.

"You believe you can take on someone more powerful than you? Experience is more powerful than numbers. Learn that you simple minded children." I spat.

One boy huffed. Without even looking, flew my staff at him. Knocking him down with a loud thud and much groaning.

"Clean up." I said lowly and began to pick up my belongings and placed them in my duffle bag.

"Miss Amelia.." a young women with big brown eyes and soft golden hair said softly while she stuttered.

"Yes, sweetie?" I said softly.

Letting out a deep relaxed breath she handed me a note and folder full of papers. "Your next job." She turned around the soft padding of her feet hitting the fading blue mat stained with blood here and there.

123 willow street NE 68th ave (these are made up, if they are real places, I apologize but they weren't looked up)
I read to myself. Placing the bag on my shoulder. Opening the folder I began to read and walk.

Name: William Gentry

Age: 26

Birth date: February 26th 1991

Wanted for: Killing his family along with 40 other people.

Hobbies: golf, reading

Works as: realtor

Schedule: varies

Drugs Uses: new drug: XZ3

Home: apartment #7

Adress:123 Willow Street North East 68th Avenue

Phone number: 123-456-7890

Biting my lip I closed the folder and placed it in my bag, finishing the walk to my room.

After a long shower- I quickly got dressed in my black latex skin tight pants, tank top, black sweater and my knee high heels. The heels made it easier to step over the blood. I do kill silently. But why do that when tormenting them is fun?

The clicking of my heels sounding along with my delicate voice asking him why.... asking, how he could do such a thing. Then again.... ending his life ends another person misery. So it doesn't matter how or why. What matters is what I do about it.


Tonight was the night. The night I begin my watch for the week and end his small little life.

Casually walking to a glass container by the variety of cars.

Dunking my hand into the glass container, I pulled out the keys to the Jeep.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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