Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

In the middle of a blazing hot summer's day people by the hundreds began to rally around the stage. The mayor of Beverly Hills took his place at the podium, he waved his hand and the buzzing crowd simmered down.

"Thank you, thank you" the crowd continued to applaud. "Thank you, the amazing people of Beverly Hills. Today we are celebrating this lovely town in all its glory. When the committee was constructing this whole entire thing, young people are what came to mind. When kids think about building the city they automatically think that it's an adult's job and that it has nothing to do with them. But teens I'm telling you that it has everything to do with you. You guys are the future and by going to school and succeeding in life you are helping build this town. As all of you might have heard I recruited proof to back up exactly what I am saying. These are some students who attended our home college and our very own high school. They have made Beverly Hills more than a Hollywood town but a place where you could meet life goals. Coming now are some familiar faces." A trail of men and women began to head up the back of the stage. The audience was excited as the special guest aligned themselves behind the mayor. "I could tell by your excitement that you know these people. About twenty-five years ago, these were teenagers who were walking these sidewalks preparing for their glorious future. They are the best of friends helping each other to succeed since high school. They are an example of what friendship and hard work can achieve. On my far right is the highest paid surgeon in Seattle, Andrea Zuckerman. Next to her is a popular up and coming poet and author, Dylan McKay. May I introduce to you our Cover Girl, Ms. Kelly Taylor. Standing next to her is the wealthy tycoon, Steve Sanders. Ms. Valerie Malone will be here, her flight was delayed and she will be in shortly. Finally, it is an honor to introduce to you the President of the United States, the honorable President Brandon Walsh." Everyone in the crowd erupted. "Thank you, Mr. President, for being our guest of honor!"

So, this is where our story begins. I would hear people from left and right screaming, 'Mr. President, Mr. President...' It never gets old being reminded that you're the President of the United States. Nearly twenty years ago, if you would've told me that I would be standing on a platform with these guys having all our accomplishments announced to the world I probably would have peed myself out of anticipation. In better words, this was supposed to be a joyous and most satisfying moment, unfortunately, it wasn't. The real satisfaction at that ceremony would be to leave without causing a major scene reflecting how things truly were. After a couple more moments of just sulking in the praise we took photos ones in which we had to be super close; that was extremely uncomfortable. We proceeded then to tell the media lies and say things that wouldn't stir up any drama. Becoming a notable person, you realize that there is already too much news floating around and none of us wanted to give Hollywood another juicy subject to distort. Oh no, the game of pretending wasn't over quite yet. The mayor and the committee then insisted that we join them in the ballroom for more 'fun.' When we got there, I saw how all of us broke apart to different corners as if we were all infected with some disease that the other didn't want to catch. And if I remember correctly this was around the time that the mayor approached me.

"Mr. President!" Mayor Anderson called out. "Mr. President, I cannot thank you enough for coming. Being the youngest President I know you must be busy. I just admire how you and your friends carried each other through the best and the worst of times. Very rarely a person finds somebody who they could count on during any storm. From what I heard from your former teachers you spearheaded that movement of engaging..."

Let me stop you right here because this was the point where I began to just nod my head. The mayor seemed to be a generally nice guy but I had just sat on the stage for two hours and I couldn't stomach more flattery. My mindset was 'I already know that' so why tell me it. So, while the Mayor turned around to get us champagne I casually walked away because I could. As you may have already guessed I was an arrogant know-it-all prick who could care less. I surveyed the room with my security not far behind just feeling like I received what I came there for; assurance. I felt super freakin' cocky as I saw all my former friends discreetly eyeing me from afar probably disgusted by the haughty grin that was so proudly stretched across my face. The Mayor probably thought this whole setup was a gathering of old friends, to some degree yes, in its entirety it was a competition of which one had the most remarkable life. 'I'm the President of the United States,' I thought, 'you couldn't get any higher.' Every girl wanted me and every guy wanted to be me. When my eyes caught, Steve cutting across the room for some punch I saw it as another opportunity for me to buff my ego a little more.

Brandon Walsh Goes Back to the HillsWhere stories live. Discover now