The Beginning of a Bad Idea

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Me: hello everyone, this is my first story so I hope you like it. Also, feel free to write any ideas about where the story should go, down in the comments! 






"Urg" sighed Danny as he shut off his alarm. He got up and got ready for school. Looking in the mirror he realized how tired he looked. Deciding to shrug it off, he went and got dressed. After 4 years of ghost hunting, Danny's style changed some. Instead of the old white shirt he wore as a freshman, he wore a dark green hoodie along with a charm around his neck from his girlfriend Sam. The hoodie was designed to hide a few backup items in case a ghost decided to appear and he couldn't change into Danny Phantom.

After collecting all of his books into his bag he went downstairs. "I'm going to school!" He shouted. "Ok" Maddie yelled from the lab. He hardly called his 'parents' by mother and father anymore because they never payed attention to him. They haven't since he was about 6. That left his sister Jazz to take care of him. 

He walked outside into the alley beside his house. "I'm going ghost" he said and two white rings appeared around his body. One traveling up and one down. He transformed into his alter ego, Danny Phantom. Unlike his human ego, Danny Phantom's style had changed only by adding a belt where he had the Fenton Thermos attached. Having changed, Danny turned invisible and flew to school. 

----------------~Le Time Skip~-------------

He got to school with 5 minutes to spare. Transforming behind the dumpster, he hurried to his first class. Danny walked in just as the bell rung. Then Mr. Lancer took attendance. Only about half the class was there. Most arrived later around lunch. Looking over to his left he saw his girlfriend Sam. Sam had changed some too as she wore a black shirt that showed only a small part of her belly, and dark blue jeans instead of her skirt. She also took to wearing a long purple trench coat {I think that's what it's called} with her normal combat boots. Danny smiled at his girlfriend. Then he looked to his techno-geek friend Tucker. Tucker mostly looked the same except he wore a yellow sweatshirt to hide his gadgets in. He also grew a small goatee in the middle of his chin. 

Once Mr. Lancer was done with attendance, Danny tuned out the world. He was absentmindedly writing when he heard Maddie call his name. "Huh?" Danny said confused as to why his parents were in his school. "Young man, you are suppose to be paying attention, and instead you are doodling?!" Maddie exclaimed. Just then Mr. Lancer took the paper off of Danny's desk and nearly fan-girled. "Danny," he said looking amazed at his student, "since when do you know Latin!?" 

"What!?" Maddie asked astonished. "Our son doesn't know Latin, at least that I know of!" She took the paper and stared at it with wide eyes.

Demons by: Danny Fenton

intus est, ubi daemones hide, 

duos ex parte, 

ut aliquando concurrant in unum odio maxime im mundi

, et gloriam, 

ut semper ex illis. 

in altero, et rege eos,

 et non pavebit excitatos celsos im. 

novissima autem scio semper timere eos qui nocere cara.

 quia vivunt ne monstra sub lecto, caput intus.

"What does it say?" Maddie asked Mr. Lancer. He took the paper and started to read.

Demons by: Danny Fenton

 inside is where my demons hide, 

part of two worlds that sometimes collide, 

in one world im hated the most, 

and always by those who like to boast. 

in the other, i rule them all, 

and im never afraid to stand tall. 

but in the end, i know i will always fear,

 hurting those who i hold dear. 

because my monsters dont live under my bed, they live inside my head.

"Someone... kill me now." Said Danny with his head down. "A-anyway," Maddie said still confused, " like I said, your class has been selected to take a field trip... to the GHOST ZONE!" Danny's 'parents' exclaimed. "Oh no," said Danny under his breath so only Sam and Tucker could hear. 

"Alright, the Spectral Speeder is parked out front kids so lets go!" Jack said. He was obviously ready to go into the zone. Everyone filed out of the class room and walked outside to where the Speeder was waiting. The adults, having known of the trip for quite a while had already packed food, water, and ghost weapons. Once inside everyone sat with their groups. The A-list sat up front, the nerds in the middle, and the trio sat in the back. 

While the rest of the class was excited, Danny was having a small melt down. "Danny it's alright," Sam whispered to him. "It's not ok, what if someone gets hurt, what if they find out, what if they hurt my subjects, what if I fail my obsession?!" Danny rambled. "Don't worry dude," Tucker said, "no one will get hurt, you have us to help you." That made Danny calm down some, but not much. {some background, after defeating Pariha Dark, Danny had become the king of the ghost zone, he also learned that he had an obsession, like the box ghost with boxes, Danny's obsession was protection. To see that no one felt the pain that he had expirenced when he first got his powers from the portal.} Soon they were in the FentonWorks lab facing the portal. 

"Alright kids, we will be in the ghost zone for a day or so, then we'll come back out and you will write an essay about what you learned while in the zone." Said Mr. Lancer. With that, they plunged into the zone. Everyone marveled at the green hue of the zone. Everyone except for the trio, who just looked bored. 

"What are the purple doors for?" Asked Mikey, part of the 'nerd' group. "We don't know actually, this is our fist time in the ghost zone. It should be a delightful learning expirence for everyone!" Maddie said smiling. 

"WHAT?" Shouted Mr. Lancer 

Just then the Secter Speeder shook. Everyone started screaming as the ship went down. Danny tryed to stand up and take control but a peice of the ship hit him and he fell unconscious. 



Me: hey guys I really hope you enjoyed this first chapter!!! Again this is my first time writing a story. I hope to update in the next two days but I'm a procrastinator soooo... maybe not. :) Also, The poem above was written by me... so ya....... ~\_('-')_/~

Take care!

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