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Sorry but this is NOT an update!

I have been tagged! Here we go...


1) What type of phone do you have?

2) Do you have a crush?

3) Birthday?

4) Best Friends?

5) Favorite Song?

6) Biggest Fear?

7) Hair color?

8) Favorite Subject?

9) Favorite Sport?

10) Tag 20 people!


1) Samsung S 7

2) no I don't, unless fictional characters count. 

3) March 5, 01

4) my friends are currently not on wattpad as of yet.

5) Fireflies by OwlCity

6) Spiders, definitely  spiders. *Shudders* I understand what they do for us and all, but they just creep me out! (Also Mayflies, if you don't know what they are I suggest you google it! They give me the creeps!!)

7) my hair was originally a mix of blonde and brunette, but then I dyed it a natural red color.


9) I like to watch hockey and play floor hockey!

10) I tag anyone who reads this! (If you want! 😄)


Soooooooo. That it for me! Sorry about not updating but I have terrible writers block! Hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night........ BYE!!!!

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