Meet and Fu- I mean-

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Jeff the Clown.... wait-

You were lying belly down on your bed, watching anime or anything you're into (porn lmao- jk no). Nothing was more better than snuggling in a soft and comfy oversized hoodie with nothing but your underwear, sipping on hot chocolate with marshmallows, and watching your favorite series late at night. You were in all nighter mode and you don't regret a thing.

Suddenly, you heard something behind you slide open. You quickly turned around and saw a man, wearing a white hoodie and black dress pants climbing through the window. "Uhhh...." You say awkwardly as he accidentally fell down.

"Ow, shi-" The man was cut off when he saw you, more honestly, your (F/C) underwear. He quickly blushed, trying to climb back out the window. "Hey! Who are you, weird guy?" You yelled, making the man jump up. As he turned to face you, you saw the he was extremely pale with the most widest smile carved into his face. He was kinda hot, in your opinion. Unknowingly, your cheeks heated up as you blushed. "I'm.. J-Jeff.." He stuttered nervously as he noticed your blush. Jeff blushed too, "W-Whatever! I-I'll be b-back, o-okay?!" He stuttered more as he blushed harder. Quickly, he jumped out the window and ran to the forrest.

You giggled to yourself and went back to watching your series. I wonder when he'll come back...

Noseless Jack.. I mean-Eyeless Jack!

It was midnight, you were sleeping and hugging your body pillow with a sexy anime man printed on it. You were into a very deep sleep, not hearing the sound of your window sliding open. Suddenly, you felt something crawl on top of your bed, and that 'something' nuzzled itself on your hair. "Mmhh.." You groaned as you stirred from your sleep, making the 'thing' jump a little. You felt the 'thing' sniff your hair as it wrapped your arms around you. "Hmm.... sexy animu.. guy.." You mumbled in your sleep, hugging your body pillow tighter.

Suddenly, you heard a lowd growl, making you jump up and turn your head to the 'thing' that was hugging you. "WHADAFU ARE YOU!?" You screamed as you repeatedly hit the thing. You noticed that it wasn't a 'thing', he was a man with a blue mask wearing a black hoodie. "RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE RAPE" You yelled in sync with your body pillow as you still hit the man a couple of times. Then, you accidentally kicked the man in the face, his mask flying off across the room. He let out a small growl as he tried to reach for his mask.

You looked at his face and he had dark brown hair, gray skin and eyeless eyes (lmao). He was really cute as hell. "Ohmygod" You say breathlessly, "You're so cute, god bless your face." You poked his cheek, forgetting that he hugged you a minute ago. The man blushed and quickly covered his face while jumping off the bed and out the window, forgetting to take his mask with him.

"Hey! You forgot your mask, dummy!" You yelled after him but it was already too late, he had already hid in the forest.

"Damn, that was my chance to talk to a cute guy." You muttered to yourself.

No Homo Liu ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You were wandering around your favorite bookstore, searching for an interesting book you saw yesterday. Suddenly, you saw a man with caramel brown hair and a long black and white scarf, reading a particular book you were looking for.

The man noticed this, and quickly handed you the book. "Here, I see you're interested in this bo- Just give the book, we'll find another one ." The man quickly clutched his mouth with his other hand. You tilted your head curiously at the man's second voice. The man uncovered his mouth as he handed the book to you, "I hope to see you agai- She's kinda hot, let's stalk her-" The man clutched his mouth again, blushing madly. "I-I'm sorry!" He apologized and quickly ran away, leaving you dumbfounded.

You giggled to yourself, "You're cute too... random stranger."

Zalgone sorrynotsorry

You were sitting on a swingset in a park. This was your favorite place to rest because in the afternoon, the children would return home and it would be really peaceful. Slowly, you swinged back and forth, humming a song.

Suddenly, you heard a voice mix with your song, as if a man joined in with thousands of demons. You turned to the side and saw a man, with a sleek black tux and red tie. He had dark black hair and crimson red eyes. Dang, he looked too formal for a playground.

The man approached you and sat on another swingset next to you. "Uhm... Hi?" You greeted him, trying to avoid awkward silence. He smirked sexily, "Good afternoon. What's your name, dear?" He asked, his voice sounding as sexy as his face. "I-Uh Uhm-I-It's (Y/N).." You stuttered nervously, of course you didn't want to let a chance to talk to a sexy man slip away.

" (Y/N).... you have a beautiful voice." He complimented. "Mind my manners, I am Zalgo." He continued. You blushed, "Hello.... Zalgo."

Zalgo smirked wider as he stood up from the swingset. He gently patted your head like a dog, "It was very nice meeting you, (Y/N). I hope we'll meet again." He said, kissing your forehead before disappearing in a black shadow. You blushed, trying to recall what just happened.

"I can't believe I met a hot guy..."





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