When you hang out/He confesses/Your first date

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Killer The Jeff

After a few days, Jeff had been visiting you everyday and both of you would hang out or play video games or even watch anime together.

Today, both of you were watching a scary movie you just bought yesterday. Jeff said it would be a good idea to watch it late ay night and being the diddly dumb dork you were, you agreed. And now, you were sitting on your couch, hugging your body pillow as you closed your eyes while shaking nervously.

"Calm down, (Y/N). It's not that scary." Jeff rolled his eyes as he watched you hug your body pillow like a scared little girl. Cute.... He thought to himself.

Then, a loud jumpscare appeared and you jumped and screamed, quickly wrapping your arms around Jeff's waist and burying your face in his chest. Jeff blushed madly, confused at what you were doing. You shaked sacredly as you hugged Jeff tighter, not caring if you were already squeezing him to death.

Jeff couldn't stop himself, he immediately wrapped his arms around you, trying to comfort you. You blushed and looked up at him, your (E/C) eyes sparkling. You had the cutest look on your face. Jeff blushed harder, " (Y-Y/N)..." He stuttered. Without thinking, he kissed your forehead, making you blush.

"J-Jeff...?" You looked at him, your blush growing wider. " (Y/N)... I-I like y-you.." He confessed. You blushed and giggled at his corny confession. You sat up and kissed his cheek. "I like you too, Jeffy!" You giggled at his new nickname. Jeff rolled his eyes as you two went back to watching the movie.

Eyeless Jack-a-boy

You were lying down on your couch, reading fanfictions in your phone. Until, you heard a loud thud in your bedroom.

Quickly, you ran to your bedroom and saw the same cute guy who visited you a couple of days ago. He sat up from the floor, rubbing his head, "O-Ow..."

You giggled, making your presence visible. He quickly stood up and pinned you to the ground, holding a knife on your neck. "G-Give me my mask back!" He demanded. You giggled, making the guy confused. He looked really cute when he tries to be scary. You pulled the mask out of your hoodie pocket and gave it to him, before poking the tip of his nose. The man blushed. "Hey... what's your name?" You asked, trying to be friendly.

The man went silent for a second and hesitantly said, "I-It's Eyeless Jack..."

You giggled, "I'll call you EJ from now on." 'EJ' blushed but quickly snapped and put on his mask. He realized the position you two were in and quickly sat up. You sat up too, staring at him. EJ stood up and jumped out of your window.

~The Next Day~

You were sipping hot chocolate while sitting on the counter top in your kitchen, thinking about what happened yesterday with you and EJ. Honestly, he was really shy for a killer. But he was very cute, in your opinion.

*Knock Knock*

You jumped off from the counter, setting your cup down and walking to your door before opening it. Then, you saw EJ standing there, his mask placed on the side of his head, revealing his blushing face. "Aww... so cuteeee~" You fangirled about his flustered face, making EJ blush more. You slowly poked his cheek, making him flinch.

Then, you felt him hold your hand on his cheek as he blushed harder. " (Y/N)... I-I-I l-like y-you..." He stuttered nervously, you were surprised that he knew your name. You blushed and ruffled his hair before kissing his forehead, "I like you too, EJ~" You say, making him blush madly.

Quickly, he covered his blushing face, making you giggle to yourself.

Homicidal Liulululu-

You were back in your favorite bookstore, trying to find the cute stranger you met a couple of days ago. You couldn't find him, but that didn't make you give up.

Suddenly, you heard the glass doors open and it revealed the stranger who you were looking for. You really wanted to know his name. Quickly, you stood up from your chair and ran to the stranger.

"Hi! I was looking for you!" You exclaimed, trying not to sound like a stalker. "Oh... I was doing the same." The man replied.

"I didn't get your name yet." You said. He replied, "I-It's Liu- And Sully." You giggled at his second voice.

You noticed that he had stitches on his face. "What happened to your face?" You asked, gently tracing the stitches. Liu flinched at the sudden contact, but grew used to it. "I'd... rather not tell.." He looked down to his feet. You nodded slowly, "Come on, maybe you can tell it when we're somewhere private."

He nodded as you grabbed his hand and led him to your house which was not far from the bookstore.

As both of you sat on your couch, you sat close next to him, eager to know Liu's story. He let out a sigh, he knew that there was no going back.

~Le Time Skip After His Story~

"*Sniff* T-That's so-*Hic* s-sad! *Sniff*" You cried as you rested your head on Liu's shoulder. "*Hicc* I-I'm so s-sorry! *Sniff*" You cried even more, grabbing some tissue and blowing your nose on it. Liu patted your head, trying to comfort you. "There's no need to be sorry, (Y/N). It's not your fault." He said.

You suddenly hugged him, making both of you fall down on the couch, with you on top of him. Liu blushed madly, and you did so too. "I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't mean to! I-" You were cut off when you felt him kiss your forehead. You blushed harder than ever, burying your face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. "No one has ever cared this much about me.... thank you, (Y/N)..." He whispered as he hugged you tighter.

You cuddled closer to his chest, "I love you... Liu..." He blushed, "I love you too... (Y/N)."

SEXY ZALGO ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You and Zalgo had been meeting more often in the park, and you would have interesting conversations. Sometimes, he would flirt with you, making you completely flustered, and then he would chuckle to himself before going back to your conversation. He was such a tease.

Today, you were waiting for him in the park, sitting on the swingset while going through your phone.

"Good afternoon, love~" A voice cooed next to you. You already knew it was Zalgo, because of his flirty ways. "Sup." You replied bluntly.

Zalgo chuckled before ruffling your hair and kissing your forehead. "Hey... how about we get some Ice Cream?" You suggested as he sat down on the other swingset. Zalgo smirked and nodded.

You quickly stood up, walking to the nearby Ice Cream truck and buying (Favorite Flavor) Ice cream and buying a dark chocolate one for Zalgo. How did you know it was his favorite? Well, you two always talked, so of course you knew what it was. After paying, you quickly walked back to Zalgo and handed him his Ice cream.

As you ate your ice cream, Zalgo noticed I slight smudge on the side of your lips. He slowly went closer to you, and quickly licked the smudge off before going back to his original place. You blushed, "W-What was that for!?" You asked, completely flustered. Zalgo smirked and chuckled, "There was a small smudge on your lips, love~" He cooed, making your whole face beet red. You stood up and playfully punched him on the shoulder, earning a chuckle from him.

Suddenly, Zalgo grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto his lap, making you drop your ice cream. You blushed a hundred times redder if even possible. " (Y/N), I am in love with you~" He confessed, nuzzling his face in your fragrant hair. "I-I-I love you too... Z-Zalgo.." You blushed as you placed both your hands between your legs and on Zalgo's lap, more flustered than ever.

"You're so adorable, (Y/N)~"

"S-Shut up!"

ISNT ZALGO SO HAWT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

WHAT A FLIRT ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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