We can only go in One Direction (prologue thing)

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Ok, first story! Be nice? Please? For me? Umm.. so this is a 1D fan-fiction , I'll try to get the facts right and everything, but if I'm wrong about something it would be awesome if someone could point it out, (in a nice way please) and this is just the little blurb type thing with a part of the acctual story in it. So read on and comment with tips and tell me what you think! Thanks!  


  ‘ “Please don’t make me… I’ll give you a million dollars! Or – or the secret to the Caramilk chocolates!”  I pleaded with my best friend, hoping she would unlock the door and let me run away in peace. Curse her and her stupid sports car that can’t be unlocked from the passenger’s side…   

“C’mon Sky! It’s my birthday! Please!” Jessie my so-called friend pulled the birthday card on me  

“Your birthday was yesterday…” I muttered, but she knew as well as I did that I was at her mercy, I have to go to the One Direction concert… and I have to act like I'm having fun.  Awesome.

   “And like you know the secret to Caramilk!” She laughed, but I could see a bit of curiosity behind her words. Silly gullible Jessie. ‘   

      Just a concert… it ‘s just a concert…   

That’s what I told myself too, but how wrong could I get! Fans don’t get singled out from the middle of the crowed and pulled on stage at a regular concert. Maybe if you were the one crying because you couldn’t get a ticket, but you tried to sneak in anyways, or if you were right up front and practically pulled the person off stage and they brought you up just so it can’t happen again. But not one person out of hundreds that just so happened to not know the words to any song. Not a single one.     

We can only go in One Direction (One Direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now