Saving Jack

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Jack's POV

I was drifting off when I heard a beeping noise from the other room. Oh no, was Anti coming back to taunt me again? Better not be.

At this point I just want to die. Put me out of my misery. Just drown me in this septic liquid already. I'm sick of it. I'm not normally one who wants to die, but Anti has pushed me too far.

I almost drifted off again, until I heard faint footsteps getting louder and louder. They were coming towards my way, and they were getting faster and faster with every second that passes by.

This couldn't be Anti, couldn't be! Anti never runs! But who could it be? Y/N? No, she couldn't possibly know the code, could she? And even if she did, Anti would've captured her like the devil he is. I was communicating with her earlier, but I'm pretty sure Anti caught her. Man, he's just-


Those words woke me from my daydream.

"Y/N?!" I yelled back, slamming my hands up against the glass.

"Yes! Jack, it's me." She replied, calming down a little bit.

"Is there any way you can get me out of here?" I ask.

"Ummm, let me look around for a bit. Maybe I'll find something." She half stuttered.

Your POV

You had finally made it! You had finally made it through the door! Thanks to Anti, you had figured out the last digit of the door! But you still technically don't know it... Since you were back on to the digit. Buts till, there was no turning back now. You needed to save Jack and get out of here.

You ran through this long hallway, until you came across this door. Just after running for five months, it didn't hurt to try.

"Huh, it's unlocked. Anti doesn't have high security, does he?" You laughed.

The door opened with a click and you rushed inside, only to be greeted with a giant septic tank as soon as you turned the corner.

"JACK!!" You shouted. "Y/N?!" Jack shouted back, you could just barely see him through the liquid.

"Yes! Jack, it's me." you replied, calming down a little bit.

You were surprised he didn't mistake you for Anti... I mean... You am wearing his clothes.. It's the only thing that you can wear at the moment.

"Is there any way you could get me out of here?" He asked.

"Ummm, let me look around for a bit. Maybe I'll find something." You half stuttered.
"Don't worry Jack, I will get us out of here." You assured him.

"Hey, why are you wearing Anti's clothes?" He asked.

"It's the only thing I could wear." You sighed.

"Oh, alright."

You frantically started searching around the room. Meanwhile your shirt continues to get stained with the blood oozing out of your shoulder.

"Ugh! I can't find anything!" You groaned. "I'm never gonna find that freaking password!"

"Did you try the-" bit Jack's voice got cut off.

"Did I try the what?! DID I TRY THE WHAT?!?" You yelled, running up to the tank and slamming your fists against the glass.

Jack's POV

I guess I'm getting my wish. But not now! I only said that before because I truly meant it! But not now!

I was so grateful that Y/N had actually figured out how to get to me, and all my my feelings about dying went out the window.

Well... I guess wishes last forever.

I started choking on septic liquid. I tried my best to speak, but it was no use. The liquid was easing its way down my throat. I could hear pour Y/N banging and screaming at the glass.

It was all a blur from there. I blacked out.

Your POV

"No! No no no! This can't be happening!!" You cried. "Not now, I was so close." You dropped to your knees and started to cry into your hands. Your tears were turning red. From what you could see, Jack had drowned in the tank.

"You think you're so smart, huh Y/N?" Anti asked, laughing calmly, but maniacally.

"Anti, get out of my head!!" You cried even more. You were choking on your own words. He said nothing from there. At least for now. "Come on, I've made it this far. Don't die on me now Jack." You sobbed, pressing your hands against the glass.

"Wait, what if I tried the combination for the door outside?" You whispered. You wanted to get out of here any way you condo, so you tried it.

"Okay... Nine... Two... No! Seven... Three..? No! Come on Y/N think! The chemicals have gotten to your head.. I can't remember the damn passcode!" You were starting to lose all hope.

"Wait... Five... Two... Three... Seven... Nine... Yes! Those were the first five digits!" You smiled as you punched in those numbers. But what the hell was the last one?!" You started panting. "You know what, why not just try all numbers!" You sighed. And you did exactly that.

"Okay zero... Nope... One... Nope... Two... Nope... Three... Nope... Four... YES!!!" You shouted as the septic tank slowly opened.

"Yes! Jack, or maybe not... We're getting out of here... Wait..." You said, realizing that Jack was chained on. "Oh come on Anti, not with this crap again..." You moaned.

But you unchained Jack's unconscious body and dragged him to the ground.

"Jack!" You smiled before kneeling down to be by his side. His green hair was all wet and sloppy, his face all covered his septic liquid. His clothes were stained with the stuff. He was soaked. But the worst part about it was, his throat was all clogged with the septic liquid.

You stared to tear up, thinking about the fact that Jack might be dead. The love of your life might be dead.

No matter the situation, no matter what would happen next, you leaned down and gave Jack a kiss. You didn't care if he was dead or not, this was the first time you'd seen him in months.

Once you pulled away, you saw that Jack started twitching.

"J-Jack?" You stuttered.

His eyes started to open, but he counts say anything. He quickly sprung up and got the septic liquid out of his system.

"Y/N?" He asked as soon as he turned to face you.

"Jack!" You smiled, starting to tear up.

He scouted towards you with a big but weak smile and hugged you. It felt so good to be back in his arms again. "Y/N, I missed you." He smiled as he gave you a kiss. "I missed you too Jack." You replied. "Now come on, we've gotta get out of here!" You said as you hailed Jack to his feet.

You two started running down the hallway, Jack occasionally stumbling because he was still weak. He wasn't doing so well. But he was willing to go through anything to get out of that place.

You had reached the end of the hallway, and you were both relived to see that the door was still open. "We're gonna get out of here!" You smiled.

"Oh are you now?" Anti smiled as he appeared in front of the door, effectively blocking you and Jack from getting out.

"Come on, we were almost there." You mumbled in frustration.

"You didn't think that getting out of here would be that easy, did you?" Anti asked with a smile.

The Other Side of Jack ~ Antisepticeye X Jacksepticeye X Reader {COMPLETE} Where stories live. Discover now