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4:45pm; tuesday

kendall: were u actually drunk last night

harry: as if you'd care

kendall: stop the passive aggressive bullshit man

harry: i could say the same to you

harry: ur just like me kendall

kendall: i am nothing like u harry. don't say shit like that again

harry: what do you want

kendall: okay you know what nvm idek why i give a shit

harry: just as i thought

9:37pm; tuesday

harry: im sorry for being a dick earlier . yes i was drunk . let's say that

kendall: we need to move on. you know that right

kendall: i don't know how many times i'm going to have to say it

kendall: we can't keep talking to each other

harry: i want to talk to you.

kendall: harry

harry: why can't we root for each other??? whatever happens it'll just be like old times.

harry: why don't you talk to me in person

kendall: why would i talk to you

kendall: that's so awkward

kendall: it's like meeting someone new

harry: why would it be like that?you know me better than i know myself

kendall: correction

kendall: i KNEW you better. i don't know anything about you now.

kendall: a lot changes in a year harry.

harry: then lets start talking

harry: let's get to know each other again.

harry: 20 questions right here right now.

kendall: alright whatever

harry: favorite movie

kendall: it's not rly a movie but it's a documentary

harry: right. blackfish

kendall: ...

kendall: how'd you know

harry: you made me watch it with you a million times. you also told me

kendall: wow you remembered

harry: hard to forget

kendall: fav song ?

harry: don't have one music is mainstream

kendall: you only say that cause you like bedroom pop artists

harry: i dig those tunes girl

kendall: that made me physically cringe

harry: that was the plan babe

kendall: alright time to stop

harry: nah ;) u like it && me

kendall: not rly but believe what u must

harry: i will

kendall: ik you will

kendall: anyways

harry: :/

kendall: :|

harry: :/

kendall: ok ?

10:29pm; tuesday

harry: kendall i hope we're friends and i don't wanna jinx it

harry: but i wanted to say goodnight

kendall: night

harry: where's the good

kendall: u don't deserve it yet

kendall: you have to earn it

harry: alright. i love you

kendall: ....

harry: and im not drunk

kendall: you can't keep saying that

kendall: you can't keep throwing that sentence around harry

harry: why can't i

kendall: cause you don't mean it

harry: what makes you say that

kendall: you cant still love me after all this time

harry: you'd be surprised

kendall: but it makes me uncomfortable.

harry: me saying i love you makes you uncomfortable? seriously ?

kendall: yes

harry: well fuck that hurts

harry: i guess it's just by habit. but i want you to know

kendall: bye harry

kendall: stop saying you love me. i mean it

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