10:45pm; sunday
harry: are you in your house safely ?
kendall: yeah u don't have to watch me walk into my house anymore lol it's okay
harry: nah kidnappers are on the prowl
kendall: well thanks for keeping an eye out
kendall: i had fun tonight. thanks
kendall: very scary to admit
harry: i had fun fosho
harry: i feel a tradition on the rise
kendall: oh god
harry: wow this is the first time ur being nice to me
kendall: yeah and prob the last
harry: alright that was uncalled for
kendall: but i had a good time. thank you for taking me
harry: no prob kenny
kendall: we should do it again sometime
harry: are you developing a crush on me jenner?
kendall: never again sugar
harry: stop it
11:47pm; sunday
harry: kendall
kendall: harry
harry: who is he
kendall: who's who
harry: the boy your dating
kendall: what?
kendall: i'm single??
harry: stop fucking lying
kendall: dude i'm single what
harry: no cause ur dating me
harry: ahahah
kendall: u ducking scared me i thought u we're gonna be petty and drop me again
harry: u cared? progress
harry: that's so sweet babe
kendall: i amnot ur babe anymore i'm ur friend
harry: that's even cuter aha
harry: i've missed you
kendall: ...you saw me today
harry: no dumbass i mean i've missed you
kendall: saying it twice isn't explaining it
harry: you infuriate me
harry: i mean i've missed you all these months. i've missed being around you, hanging with you. i've missed being your friend. i've missed it a lot ken.
kendall: ugh
kendall: i've missed it too.
harry: we agree on something. finally
kendall: guess so.
harry: guess so :)