191 3 0

8:46pm; thursday

harry: was it fake

harry: was it all fake

kendall: what??

kendall: ???

harry: your feelings for me

harry: were they fake

kendall: no of course not

kendall: why would they be fake

harry: cause you turned it all off pretty quickly

kendall: turned it off? you mean come to reality?

kendall: you think i don't want to be with you?

harry: that's what you said ...

kendall: all you want to do is fight and im done.

kendall: we broke up for a reason. i broke up with you for a reason. and for a second i forgot harry. i fucking forgot but i remember now

harry: a pretty stupid reason if u ask me.

harry: kendall. i will say it again and again. i love you... and

harry: i will always love you

harry: even if one day you hate me with everything you have, i will always love you. you're my ending.

kendall: don't say that to me

kendall: and oh will you shut up with that

harry: what?

kendall: you don't love me

kendall: if you loved me you wouldn't push me away or make me feel like i'm doing something wrong

kendall: all you do is hurt me again and again

kendall: and you wanna claim that you "love" me

kendall: that's not love you jackass

kendall: that's your twisted up way of showing affection

kendall: show someone else that affection, cause i sure as hell don't want it anymore.

kendall: have a wonderful life harry,

harry: you're right

kendall: ...

harry: i don't love you.

harry: you were just a challenge.

harry: i just wanted to see if i could get you to date me again.

kendall: ...

harry: i️ got over u pretty quickly actually.

harry: taylor always got the job done anyway.

harry: and who can forget, the grand fucking finale.

harry: your bestfriend, haley

kendall: you're joking

harry: you were just for fun and excitement

kendall: you're sick.

kendall: you're right about something else

harry: what was that babe??

kendall: i will and do hate you with everything i have

kendall: goodbye harry. for good this time

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