Chapter 9

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The next day, at school, Lydia spent every other second looking up, searching for at least one of the New Hope Club boys.

"Honestly, Lyd, if you keep whipping your head around like that, you're going to hemorrhage your brain." Mac muttered under his breath as they sat at a table in the middle of the canteen.

AJ giggled slightly, but it was clear that her mind was elsewhere as she stared into her note book, drawing swirly hearts and writing 'LT' over and over.

"LT?" The blonde girl asked, laughing. "Who is that, Louis Tomlinson?"

The freckled girl with the curly dark hair flushed dark red, and shrugged, obviously embarrassed.

Lydia smiled, leaning in to whisper in a conspiratorial tone, "Don't worry, AJ, I think I might have a bit of a crush on a band boy too." She pulled away with a wink.

Suddenly, there was a tap on her shoulder.

The blue eyed girl turned in her seat to see three familiar boys stood behind her.

"Lydia!" Blake whooped, sweeping her into a hug.

"Oh. Um. Well, okay, that was unexpected." She stuttered, slightly in shock at his willingness to display such affection in the middle of a crowded public space.

As soon as Blake let go, George copied his actions, then Reece did too.

A quick glance over her shoulder confirmed that Lydia's friends mirrored her amused confusion.

"Excited to come round to mine?" Reece asked, grinning wide.

Lydia nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yeah, definitely, it's going to be amazing."

George made a noise of agreement. "It'll be sick, no matter what the outcome is."

They shared knowing looks before Blake moved slightly closer, whispering in the girl's ear, "I know this is great and everything, but do you reckon you can keep it on the down-low? I don't want anyone else to find out, only for us to not get the record contract, because then we'd have to deal with everyone knowing we're failures." He spoke in a joking tone, but it was obvious that this was a genuine fear that he had. She squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Blakey. My lips are sealed."

"Cool. See you later!" The boys said as they walked over to wherever the hell weird people like them went at lunchtime, under the curious, prying gazes of fellow high-schoolers around them.

As soon as they were gone, Mac and AJ had their eyes trained on her like laser beams.

"What the hell happened last night?"

"What was with the hugging?"

"And the whispering?"

"And is there going to be some kind of 'part two' at the blonde one's house?"

"Why'd you go and bloody hold his hand?"

"Since when do you call random, handsome strangers 'Blakey'?"

The two took turns questioning her, overloading her with questions until she felt like her brain was about to burst. "Shut up, idiots!" She yelled playfully, although she was only half joking. "I can't tell you right now, but I'll explain soon."

Blake's POV

As the three boys walked back to the music room that they spent all their lunch times in, Blake tried to stop thoughts of Lydia from clouding his brain and focus on the discussion at hand; what their next cover would be.

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