8- psycho

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Katie's P.O.V

It's been about 3 weeks since I've been out of the hospital, and I still haven't gotten the follow up call. I've been over the edge and the boys have taken notice in it. They constantly ask if I'm okay or if I need anything, or if I'm stressed and stuff. I just answer with simple answers. All of the boys have been so nice and gracious, and I honestly couldn't thank them enough for that. I'm also keeping WAY to much to myself and I hate it. I have to tell them why I tried to kill myself, and I have to tell Luke that I heard him say 'I love you'.

"Katie?" I heard a voice coming from outside my door and I'm sure it's Ashton.

"Come in!" I reply to the boy. He walks in and sits at the edge of my bed and starts fiddling his thumbs nervously and biting his lip. He looks up at me and parts his lip, as if to speak but then looks back down at his thumbs.

"You okay ash?" I say concerned. He stays silent for a few seconds but then speaks up.

"Actually...no..." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear it. "Look, Katie, I need to tell you something important." He says, louder this time.

"And that is...?" I say to a nervous Ashton.

"I'm taking you back to your mom." He said sternly, looking me straight in the eye. His eyes had and evil look to them and I knew damn well this wasn't the Ashton we all knew.

"What...?" I squeak out.

"I'm taking you back to your mom Katie, don't you understand?" He scoffs.

"Ashton, this isn't you... Are you okay?" I say in disbelief.

"Shut up. The whole 'innocent act' is gone Katie, is that really to much for your little, depressed brain to understand!" He says. My heart dropped when I realized that I recognized who it was... But how? Here infront of my eyes is my half-brother. My insane half-brother that i hardly ever saw as a kid, but when I did it was hell. My mom and this guy had a hook up a few years before I was born and I guess Ashton was the malicious result. It's just he looked too different. I'm just so confused.

"No...it can't be...." I say in disbelief. Before I could say anything else he grabbed me by that waist, and slung me over his shoulder and started to sprint. I would've screamed at the top of my lungs, but I know him way to well. He'll just knock me out and it wouldn't be the first time. He ran down the stairs, and swiftly out the front door and threw me into the back of his car. He quickly hopped into the front seat and drove off. I was terrified as hell and had no idea what was ahead of me, and I just had feeling that Ashton wasn't taking me home right away.

"So Katie, Im surprised your dumb little mind couldn't figure this out." Ashton spoke up. I stayed silent, not daring to speak because I know whatever I say will have consequences.

"So it's pretty obvious you got the phone call from my little side kick/ girlfriend. Well, I got bored of the plan and decided to take matters in my own hands." he chuckled evilly. I started to breathe heavily at the words 'take matters in my own hands', because that only meant one thing.

Luke's P.O.V

"Pass the popcorn babe!" I squeal to Ashton, who's ruffling his curly hair. He gives me a cheeky grin before walking over and dumping the whole popcorn bowl on my head. I scream a probably very girly scream, and jump up onto the couch. I sneak attack Ashton and bring him down to the ground with a loud thud. "I'm gunna get you for that Hemmings!" He yells before bouncing up from the ground, and attacking me back. I pull him down to the ground and we both land on the tiled floor with a boom. Not a thud, a boom. We just stay on the floor laughing before a voice got my attention.

"Hey umm.... Guys?" Michael chuckled.

"Mhm?" Ashton says trying to act like there wasn't two goof balls laying on the floor, dying of laughter.

"Well first, I'm going to ignore the fact that you two are one the ground, and second, have any of you guys seen Katie?" Michael says wearily.

"Isn't she in her room?" Ashton says, getting up from the ground.

"I checked already"

I walked towards my phone and called Katie.


Katie! :)

It rang three times, and I started to get anxious. Before I knew it the voicemail came on and I was shocked. "I need help NOW! If this is luke, or the rest of the boys I'm probably at my house or dead. Please, I need hel-" the voicemail was cut of by some shuffling, and faint screaming in the background. My heart started to pound, and my palms started to get sweaty. I threw my phone across the room, and ran out to Ashton's car. I got into the front seat and turned the car on. I sped out of the drive way as quick as possible. I drove as fast as possible down the streets and to Katie's house. Luckily it's wasn't that far away from mine.

I pulled up to the drive way and swiftly ran to the front door, not bothering to turn off the car. I rammed the door open and stepped inside.

"KATIE!?!" I yell waking through the house. I ran up the stairs and stopped in my tracks. No. How? This can't be happening.

(A/N) ooo! Cllliiiffffhhhaaaannngeeerr!

Well anyway! OMFG THANK YOU SO

MUCH FOR 300 READERS! My stories terrible lol, but shanks! Love you!

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