The Wind

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That night, the wind blew softly as if it was reminding you quietly of its presence. It carried the sweet smell of roses and the soft cry of a newborn baby. The wind carried despair as it heard the gentle sobs of the baby soon joined by its mother, who held the baby caressing its soft head as she let tears stream down her cheeks.
"Shhh," whispered the mother looking into the grey eyes of the infant in her arms.
"Darling, you can sense it can't you, the shift in the wind, something is going to happen I don't know what but Diamond Riddle I promise no one will hurt you,"
"Katrina," the man from the window whispered. The woman sat up and looked towards the window she shook slightly as she stared into darkness. The voice sent shivers down her spine, with its eerie deep tone as it whispered her name. "Katrina," the voice called again this time louder. "My daughter, Diamond, where is she?" The woman, Katrina swallowed and stood pulling the curtain back revealing a young man with jet black hair, clear blue eyes, and a handsome face that wore a deadly smirk. Katrina herself was quite beautiful, with her wise hazel eyes, her long dirty blond hair, tan skin, and pouted lips. It was truly no wonder she had attracted Tom Riddle the Dark Lord.
Balling her hands onto fists Katrina smirked and whispered "Under Dumbledore's protection, somewhere you will never find her," every word dripped with a deep loathing. Even her highly analytical mind as a Alumni she was blinded by his charm, his grace, his pure adoration towards her. She never saw the monster within.
He hissed his face darkening "Fine, Merci Katrina! You gave me one of the most powerful wizards in the world when you gave birth to Diamond, and when she is killed I will be the most powerful in all of existence!" His lip curled "Au Revoir darling, Avada Kedavra!"

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