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We go to my favorite breakfast restaurant in London. They serve gourmet waffles the size of your face! They are garnished beautifully with berries and walnuts!

I walk with a skip in my step on front of my parents. I feel so happy like nothing could ever change! I even sang, mum loves it when I sing. She says "I have the rare gift of music flowing through my veins,"

"G'morning Hernandez!" The man who owns the restaurant, Randal greets my father by his surname. Mum said she decided to call me after her maiden name "Riddle", although I could've sworn my Grandmother said her last name was Walters at a doctors appointment.

"Good Morning Randal," my father greets with a charming smile. My mum nods respectfully at the man who lifts off his hat and gives a funny little bow!

"Good day to you too Ms. Riddle!" Randal greets me.

"Same to you Mr.Randal!" I reply with a nod of my head.

"What's the occasion?" He asks.

"Diamond's birthday!" My mother tells the balding little man.

"Bye George! You wasn't telling me it was your birthday!" He sighed scratching his head. He stood up on a chair and yelled to the whole cafe "Oy! Can we all please sing a Happy Birthday to Miss. Diamond Riddle please," he called out.

Then my father called out "A one, a two, a one to three," the cafe erupted into song a choirs of voices filled the room all wishing me to be happy today.

I indulged myself at the restaurant. Eating three fluffy waffles topped by powdered sugar, raspberries, pecans, maple syrup, and whipped cream!

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