A Ghost that Holds You Down

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It was about a month ago when it happened to me... It was 11:33pm, I was already asleep, the room was so dark without a light peeping in, it was really warm that night. When someone or something got on the bed. It stopped moving for 3 minutes thinking that I was awake. It moved again now it was creeping on my legs until it got to the side of my neck. My body temperature was rising really high, I was sweating. It stopped moving for 3 minutes and then it started... The force of it was so strong like a man was holding me down. I struggled to get up but it kept pushing me down into a position it wanted me in. I got forced to lying on my back flat on the bed with my hands set far apart also my feet apart.

When a beam of light peeped through the window, I saw a man's face so handsome and charming and the silhouette of his body. I saw his mouth on the side of my neck like he was licking it. His hand on my hips and his legs in between mine. He was like raping me in bed! The motion of his body was too rapid to handle, he kept pressing into my body trying to hold me down. When mother opened the door, he disappeared... I went back to sleep and ignored the violent ghost. It happened for a week. I couldn't tell it to my mother, it might shock her too much.

I told my friend about that night, he told me that it was just one of my unfulfilled desires in my dreams. I couldn't reply to his statement, he might think I'm a paranoid girl.

It happened again, sunday, it did the same thing but while he was licking my neck he talked...

Ghost: How delicious your body is!

I was shocked when he told me that...

Me: Please stop it!

His force got stronger, disabling me to move anymore. He then tried to lift up my shirt and pull down my shorts... I couldn't stand it until I subconsciously recited God's expelling prayer...

Me: God... Forgive this exiled soul for it has strayed and abused its second chance, let it rest in your ever eternally peaceful kingdom lay it to redeem for the next life...

The ghost started screaming, tossing and turning in pain while I was reciting that. Ever since that night it disappeared, I started to go to church more often for God's protection...

I appreciate a discussion about this violent and perverting ghost...

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