Chapter 3

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I've been staying at home for the past month now. With really nothing to do, I've read my books. Petra ran out of things to amuse herself with as my parents also sat around the house. I wasn't allowed to see David in fact every since then our families had completely shut off contact with each other. My parents would not tell me why. I heard people talking from down at the streets as I peered through my bedroom window. It was David's family. It looked like they were moving away. 

"Mother, father." I called for my parents. "Where is David's family going?" 

"It seems like they are moving away to another town I supposed."

"Well may I go say goodbye to David? After all he is my friend." I asked. 

"No you may not." my father put his foot down. "You are not able to associate with him any longer."

"But you can't do that we've been friends since the second grade!" I argued. 

"You will do as we say now go to your room." my father snapped as I disobeyed and ran out of our apartment. 

"Louis! Louis! Get back here!" my father shouted but my mother got up and calmed him down. 

"David! David!" I shouted for him as he was carrying his bag stopping and staring at me. 

"Are you seriously leaving without saying goodbye to me?" I whispered. 

"Louis you have to leave we are no longer friends." 

"What?" I took a step closer to him. 

"Louis go away. Jew." he growled and looked away leaving me standing there alone. 

"Are you. Do you hate me, David?" I stepped closer. 

"Kid, get away." his father shouted as I felt myself tearing up and ran back upstairs. 

"Louis you will never EVER disobey me ever again do you understand me?" my father screamed at me in the living room. 

"Yes sir." I said looking down. 

"Do you realize the danger of your actions? I told you we are no longer associate with those people. Please next time listen to me and do not do something like this!" he lectured. 

"Yes sir." 

"Now go to your room." he whisked me off as I went in confused and upset. Why did David end our friendship so quickly? He never called me a "Jew" ever in his life. He even attended one of our Sabbath holy days. 

That night I awoke to my parents crying and sounds of yelling from the streets. I woke up as my parents told me to go back inside my room but I didn't listen as I looked outside the window. All the shops that were Jewish owned were being smashed by armed Nazi soliders. Fires were spreading and people were being dragged out of their homes and beaten and shot on sight. It was a horrific sight as my parents desperately tried to hide it from me. 

Our synagogue was destroyed that night as well burned to nothing but ruins and our rabbi was arrested that same night. The newspaper came the next morning as news stated that in Nazi Germany and Austria, Kristallnacht occured where every synagogue and Jewish owned schools, shops, etc were completely destroyed and people were killed, injured, and captured by these soliders. It was a horrific and sad time for our family. Our leader of worship arrested and our place of worship now in ruins. My father's shop and all of our other Jewish friend's shops destroyed every bit burned. 


A week had passed since the destruction of all Jewish owned property. We were sitting eating lunch together as a family when a loud banging on the door startled us all. 

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