Chapter 10

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Uh so this chapter has Larry smut so if you're uncomfortable skip it I apologize. And I'm not that good with smut oh

"Hurry up! Get up!" the kapo shouted banging on the floor and the walls getting us to wake up. "You have thirty minutes to make your beds and be out for roll call or else." he said harshly slamming the door. We all tiredly got up and started tucking the sheets under the straw mattress provided for us on the wooden bunk. I looked over to see my father struggling to even get his shoes on.

"Here father, let me help you as I put the shoes on his foot and made his bed for him." I looked over and he buried his face in his hands and cried.

"I'm a failure" his voice was muffled. "I'm a failure as your father. I'm a failure as Petra's father. I'm a failure as a husband. I'm supposed to provide and protect my family and now I can't even put my own shoes on." he was growing weaker and weaker by the day. We all have grown weaker. Meals are little portions and often old and cold or stale.

"Look father, I know we're going through such a tough time right now but I've learned to realize this one special thing that I don't think you see right now. Yes it's horrific. Yes it's cruel but as long as you're breathing you're alive and so long as you're alive everything's still somewhat looking up correct?"

"You know I forget you're eighteen years old sometimes, Louis" my father smiled through his tears. "I sometimes still think of you as my little boy who I would carry on my shoulders and run through the park near our home and as that boy that would ask me to tell him a story." he said as I wiped a tear from my eye. "It's just so hard to me not being able to protect my family anymore."

"We will get through this." I squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Remember as your son I will always be here for you."

"And I will always be here for you." he said softly pulling me into a hug as he kissed my forehead. "Just promise me you'll shower more carefully, okay son?"

"Dad!" I laughed as he ruffled my hair and we got up to go to roll call. I haven't laughed in a while. It felt amazing to laugh. It felt like it's been ten years since I had last laughed. To forget that moment of pain and suffering that I am seeing and going through. If only I could stay in this moment forever.


"Tomlinson senior." the kapo called.

"Yes sir" my father said in a serious tone and stood straight up looking forward as the kapo looked up and down him scanning for anything out of place.

"Good. Tomlinson junior?" the same kapo called me.

"Yes sir" I said as he came over and scanned my body for anything misplaced as he scowled when he didn't find anything as he moved onto the next person.

"What is this?" his voice sent chills down my spine as he looked at the man's shirt. "A button that isn't buttoned...tsk" he shook his head and looked at the man straight in the eye. The man tried his best to be as poised as possible. "Do you know what happens to people who's buttons are out of place?" the kapo smirked. God I hated these people.

"Guards!" he shouted as two other kapos grabbed the man and threw in on the ground and started beating him senseless as we stood and watched in horror. They threw down the sticks and started to get on the ground and punch and slam his face down the ground. I was too afraid to look up and the scene but I heard it all. The shouts and laughs from the soliders. The screams of pain from the man. I heard more grunts and kicks as I looked up to see that one of the soldiers that were beating the man senseless. Was Harry himself.


"Next!" the kapo yelled as we all moved up a bit in line to receive our breakfast. Aside from the situation this morning, today was a lucky day for us. We got old bread and a piece of sausage and a dab of margarine on our bread. That's the most I've seen them give us. I held onto my mess tin as Harry and the other guards stood there serving meals. Seeing Harry beat up that man shifted my opinions on him. He told me learned to ignore the horror and says he's sorry but he goes on beating someone almost to death. The man was sent to work without any breakfast all bruised and cut up from the beating. 

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