Chapter 6

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These next few chapters are going to be different character's point's of views before what's happening present day and then to present day just so no one is confused! Enjoy!


I was about to say goodbye to Louis when my mother rushed me into our home. 

"Mother what was that about? Why didn't you let me say goodbye to him?" 

"Because I do not approve of you hanging around that Jewish boy hanging onto his every word and actions. David you are a leader not a follower."

"How could you say that mother? Louis has been my friend since the second grade we've been friends for over eleven years our families were great friends what happened?"

"I am not here to have rational discussions with you now wash up for supper and go do your schoolwork." she snapped at me walking into the kitchen. 

The few days went by and the same thing happened. Louis, Petra, and I would walk to our building and he would stop by my apartment and wait until I got inside safely and my mother would hurry me in before I can say anything. 

"David, can I ask you something?" Louis spoke up one day as we were walking home from school Petra was skipping ahead of us playing with a flower she picked on the grass. 

"Yeah, Louis?" 

"Are you mad at me or something?"

"What? How could you say that Louis?"

"Well I mean, you've been distant lately and we used to go outside and play football in the town center every weekend and now it's like I don't even know you. Your mom always says you're busy when she answers the door and if you answer you say 'I can't' or 'I'm too busy' I don't mean to be clingy but if you're angry with me for something I did or said I would like to know I mean we are still best friends right?"

"Of course we are like we promised in the third grade." 

3 YEARS AGO 1940

"Louis I can't catch up!" I shouted for the third time. 

"Oh come on Vans we're on bikes if you can't catch up with me then I guess I'm gonna win!"

"Fine!" I pedaled faster until I saw his biking figure next to mine and I gave him a wave and smile. 

"What? Hey!" he laughed trying to catch up with me. 

"Ha ha Tommo! Looks like I'm the winner this time as I hopped off my bike." 

"Louis! Louis! Get over here!" his mother shouted from the corner. 

"You too David!" I heard my mother call too as we grabbed our bikes and ran over. 

"What's going on?" Louis asked our mothers. 

"Get behind us quickly." they pushed us behind them as we noticed people coming out of shops and cafes to look as we heard a light rumbling and it gradually got louder as I recognized the sound of boots stomping. We all looked past the corners confused until we saw we huge line of soliders march through the town. A tall solider on a horse held a flag swastika on it and there were smaller patches of the same symbol on each of the soldier's left arm sleeve. 

They stopped at the center and the tall solider proclaimed, "By this moment forward you are under control of Nazi Germany. Heil Hitler!" the shouted. 

"Heil Hitler" the soldiers chanted as the flag was mounted on the fountain in the middle of the square. 

"We will be olding trials for young boys to join the Third Reich soon." the solider on the horse proclaimed. "Everyone in Denmark must now follow the system of Nazi Germany. De Fuhrer is your leader and you will be organized and punctual. There is a curfew no one is allowed out past ten o' clock at night. If you are seen out past then you will be severely punished."

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