Chapter 4: The Chesire Cat

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Alice ran and ran into the darkening forest, the trees caging her in. The rain bit her face, but she didn't care, they were just like tears from above, and pain and tears she was used to.

When she finally stopped, she collapsed into a clearing, alone and terribly afraid, but before the tears could come, a familiar face came strolling out of the trees.

A Cat, specifically, the Cheshire Cat with it's wide smile came to greet her, laying down face to face, with its front paws under it's head like a human.

"Why so sad darling? Not happy to see your old friend hmm?" It asked, grinning. 

Alice lifted her head.

"I don't even know what to say. I've gone mad."

The Cat chuckled, and stood on it's hind legs to help her up.

"You know what mad means Alice? Insane. Batty. Bonkers. Bananas. Completely off your rocker. It means you've lost your grip on reality. But you know what reality is?"

"What?" Alice sniffed.

The Cat began to walk around her, a ball of pulsing energy in its open paw. 

"Reality, is all relative. There are many different planes of reality, many alternate universes."

The ball of energy changed to look like a teacup.

"This is a teacup. We are told it is a solid, it is breakable, it is unmoving. When actually, it is simply an illusion. This, 'solid', is made up of many tiny particles that are packed in and moving around, so it is not a solid at all. So really, reality is like our teacup.. it is an illusion. If you decide you want it to be something different, you just bend it to your will.."

He dropped the teacup, that shattered on the ground.

"It becomes something completely different."

"What are you trying to tell me?" Alice asked, as she felt some unknown truth about to crash over her like a tsunami.

"Everything is real if you want it to be, nothing is real if you don't. You're different Alice, you're special. You can lift the veil. You can bend the fabric of reality."

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Down The Rabbit Hole AgainWhere stories live. Discover now