18th Birthday (Sweet)

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All night, Louis had been acting strange. Fidgeting, stuttering slightly, almost as if he was nervous. About what, I have no clue. It was my eighteenth birthday and to celebrate, we had gone out to dinner and then to a nearby beach to watch the sunset.

Yes, there was an age gap between Louis and me, there is no need for a reminder. Our mothers had been friends while we were children, so we were close, and he has been my boyfriend now for two, going on three years. Technically it wasn't legal until tonight, so we had been keeping our relationship more secretive, hoping no one would find out just yet.

We currently sat on the beach, and Louis kept glancing at his watch nervously.

"Lou, are you okay? You've been acting strange all evening." I complained, drawing his attention.

"W-What? Don't be silly, (Y/N), I'm fine." I sighed and shivered as a small breeze came over the ocean, and I regretted not wearing a coat.

"Are you cold?" Louis asked and I nodded. "Do you want to start heading home?" Again, I nodded.

The ride back was quiet and it worried me. Normally, Louis always had something to say. Tonight he had barely spoken at all.

Eventually we arrived at the flat Louis and I had been sharing for a few months and I took my shoes off immediately, my feet hurting from the heels.

Walking towards the bedroom, I noticed something seemed different. I opened the door and gasped when I saw rose pedals and candles everywhere. We had been gone the entire night, where had this come from?

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and a kiss was placed upon my cheek.

"Do you like it?" Louis quietly asked.

"Its beautiful," I responded. "What's the occasion?"

"Your birthday. And..." Louis took a deep breath before walking around me, turning and looking down into my eyes. He took a knee on the ground and my heart sped up.

"(Y/N)," Louis started, reaching into his pocket. "I've known you for a long time. Even though I know we've only been in an actual relationship for a few years, I've loved you since I first saw you. I want to spend my life with you."

Tears brimmed my eyes as I prepared for the question that would change my life forever.

"(Y/N), will you marry me?"

"Yes!" I squealed without hesitation. He smiled widely, standing on his feet again before kissing me passionately. Taking my left hand in his, he slid the ring on my finger, making me his official bride-to-be.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too. So much. Can I...?" He looked down, clearing his throat, turning red, causing my curiosity of the question to increase.

"Louis?" I asked. He looked back up at me.

"I know you said you didn't want to loose your virginity until after you're married, but since its already official I was wondering if maybe...?" He trailed off again, but I understood exactly what he was trying to ask. Gently, I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes." I answered. He smiled at me and kissed me again, this time more harshly, but just as loving and passionate. I tugged at his shirt, as a signal I wanted it off. Louis understood and took the shirt off, tossing it on the floor. I let my hands travel over his bare chest as he continued to kiss me, waiting until I gave my nod of approval for my dress to be removed and placed on the carpet.

I laid back on the bed, moaning as Louis' lips came in contact with the sweet spot on my neck. He reached behind me and undid the clasp of my bra. Eyes sparkling, his hands reached up, squeezing my breasts and I moaned.

His lips trailed kisses down my neck to my chest, from my chest to my stomach, to the top of my underwear. He hummed, pulling them down my legs and onto the floor, leaving me bare in front of him. Leaving kisses back up the way he had came, he gently kissed my lips.

"Louis," I moaned.

"What is it, baby?" He asked me.

"I-I need you. Please." I whispered. He smiled and climbed off the bed, undoing his belt and letting his jeans and boxers drop to the floor. He reached over into the drawer next to the bed, retrieving a condom.

Hovering over me, he kissed me again. I began to grow nervous, but refused to let it show. I wanted this. I needed this. I needed Louis.

He pressed against me before pushing inside and I winced.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay." I replied, and he took this as the clue to keep moving. It was uncomfortable once he was all the way in, but it wasn't nearly as bad as some people say.

"Go." I said, kissing him gently. Doing as told, Louis pulled back and thrusted back in slowly. I moaned as he repeated this several times.

"You're amazing." He whispered, continuing the movement with his hips. I tangled my fingers in his hair, crying out as he hit a certain spot.

"Got it." He groaned, pulling out and hitting it again, this time a bit harder.

"Oh my God." I moaned, eyes squeezing closed. A warm feeling formed in the pit of my stomach, and Louis' breathing increased. His hand traveled down to where we were connected and I cried out.

"It's okay. Come on." Louis said, his thrusts becoming shorter, but faster. I repeated his name as I released, and he came shortly after. He laid his head on my chest, listening to my heart racing as I played with his hair.

"You did great," He said once he caught his breath, pulling out. I whimpered at the feeling of him leaving my body, but smiled when he came up and held me in his arms, pulling the blanket over us.

"I love you." Louis said softly.

"I love you too."

Louis Tomlinson Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now