to rosie:

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         DEAR ROSIE,

Well this is uh, your best friend Harry. Harry Potter, who you've been friends with since second year. I'm quite nervous to say this because I know you may not have the same feelings for me but; I will anyway.

I hope you're enjoying your summer so far! My Aunt and Uncle who I have to live with treat me horrible, and my cousin finds the littlest things for him to pick on me. Of course I can risk a few hexes at him but, I know you'll scold me if I ever did.

I bet you're having Sparkling Grape Juice on a beach in America with normal muggle families, or eating muffins in Paris. 

Wow - I'm getting off track again, bloody hell. I'll just say it:

I like you.


Harry stared at the writing on the crinkly parchment paper he had just written on with his favorite quill. His palms were sweaty and he inhaled and exhaled nervous breaths. 

He gazed at the letter until he finally decided to stuff it into his trunk and give it to the Sawyer girl when the time was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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