Chapter 1

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Author Note: Hey readers, I am so so happy you chose to even think about reading my story and am so grateful that you did. I apologize if there are any mistakes I wrote this in a hurry so if you want to please comment any mistakes, or if you overall like the story. Hope you enjoy, read, comment, post, share and all the other cool stuff.


Thanks again.

Hey my name's Eritrea and as you can see from the photo above I wasn't that much of a looker back then. At least compared to now, and what junior high and high school taught me. Of course I didn't realize my potential of being pretty because in the social group that picked on me and the constant models peering down at my small 5'4 frame it was hard to think that the girls words were all lies. I used to get called "fat", "Ugly", "pathetic", and my personal favorite(Sarcasm), "weak". All in the three torturing years of middle school in the big Apple because of one girl named Veronica, A basic bitch name if you ask me but It seemed to suit her along with her side hoes whose names are...wait for it....Ashley and Samantha. I mean how basic could you possibly get, and I'm not saying that everyone with those names are bitches, I'm just saying that you have basic white girl names. Anyway back on track to the whole I was a nerd and had an awesome glow up and am now totally hot and stuff.

As I said before everyone at my school looked like a bunch of models, even in Middle school! I am not exaggerating, flawless skin, perky tits, pear shaped asses, they had it all. And don't even get me started on the boys. Well no that I think of it, I only ever thought I liked one boy,
I believe his name was Roy...I forget his last name, but he was a total hottie, and apparently it runs in the family because his dad was even hotter. I don't even know how that was possible. But it didn't matter then because Veronica was dating him and if you came to close she would literally pepper spray you! No seriously, pepper spray. The reason I know this is because I had a study session with Roy, because I was assigned his math tutor, and when I went to peek over his shoulder to see how he was doing, Veronica popped out from behind one of the book cases and sprayed me in the face "accidentally tripping" as she called it to the principal who might I add was her dad. I was basically living in a hell hole where Veronica and her lap dogs could do whatever they wanted to me. My confidence was non-existent at that point and I was only 13, yep you did the math right I was 10 when they started to harass me. "But where were her parents?" You say, well my mom was an alcoholic and my dad was, lets say at in the least vulgar way possible, not around. I was also an only child to make matters worse and I now found out that my mother was a drug dealer and that is how she got all the money for the apartment we lived in. Messed up life to say the least. 

But it got even more messed up. It was only a week until Junior high ended and I along with everyone else in my grade would be headed to high school, and Veronica's famous end of school party was coming up and all the cool 13-14-15, and 16 year old would be there. I have to say that looking back on it now I was so naive. What I mean to say is that Veronica and her skanks were being oddly nice to me, I took it as and apology and the she-devil invited me to the party. I was so exited to go and I went home to get ready the moment she asked me since it was that night. I pulled out all the stops varying from a black skin tight dress to borrowing one of my moms push up bras, and curling my hair into a pony-tail, and finally wearing make-up once in my life. Granted I probably looked like a life sized brat doll but all was well in my mind. I then walked out of the door passing my drunken ed mother yelling at the shopping commercial dropping cigarette ashes onto her t-shirt before murmuring something non-human and passing out snoring and gagging in her sleep. A normal routine for her, on a cycle until she had to go get more booze across the street. 

I opened the creaking screen door and grabbed a trench coat, so long that if I didn't know I had clothing on I would have forgotten that I wasn't a present. I then walked straight into the road and stopped an angry taxi driver yelling vulgar words at me as I got into the cab and told him the pent house address. It only took twenty minutes to get there on the surprisingly clear road. I then tipped the driver very kindly as to apologize for the scare I caused him before stalking my way up the stairs very slowly hearing the ear-splattering music the farther I went up. The stairs were covered in paint and a white substance I was sure I could positively say were "Love fluids" I thought in my head before almost barfing as the stench of alcohol and what I believed to be weed. I believe it the right time to tell you that Veronica was the one who gave me the address, but never being to one of these parties before I pushed forward until I reached the door. I then opened it to reveal what I thought to be a sex dungeon for everyone was half naked and frankly grinding on things that shouldn't be visible to the human eye. I walked further to see if their was another door or something and I made my way through the crowd touching I don't know how many tits and asses. But when I made my way to the other side there was nothing except a man sitting their clearly undressing my small body in his mind with a smirk that could have driven someone insane.

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