What Is Aromanticism?

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Aromanticism, to put it simply, refers to a lack of romantic attraction to anyone, regardless of sexual preferences or gender identities

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Aromanticism, to put it simply, refers to a lack of romantic attraction to anyone, regardless of sexual preferences or gender identities. Stylized as 'aro' {increasing pun capacity by approximately 847365%}, it is an umbrella term for individuals who do not experience romantic love or attraction. It goes without saying that they may experience other forms of love and/or attraction, such as sexual or platonic - and so, aromantics will form relationships based on these alternative attractions. Being aromantic does not determine sexuality or platonic ability, but may impact a person's ability to act on such preferences.

The term is a fairly new one and was initially used to refer to asexual people who were also uninterested in romantic commitment. However, although many ace people are also aro, this is not true for all aromantics, and now the term refers to someone of any sexual orientation who does not feel romantic attraction. For example, an aromantic may be heterosexual or pansexual, and may identify as any gender or platonic orientation as well.

Like any other identity or orientation, romanticism falls on a spectrum, with alloromantics being the opposite of aromantics, that is to say, they are individuals who experience romantic attraction. Like anything else, there are grey areas and fluid identities. These identities, specifically focusing on the aromantic spectrum, will be discussed in the next post.

 These identities, specifically focusing on the aromantic spectrum, will be discussed in the next post

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Although aromanticism is virtually unheard of, arophobia still exists. Arophobia is the fear and/or hatred of people who are aromantic or express aromanticism, and is inherently damaging to the aro community. As people aren't aware of aromantics, they may not be aware that they are being arophobic, which strengthens the problem.

Arophobes see alloromanticism as superior to aromanticism and their arophobic behaviour is seen as stemming from amatonormativity. Elizabeth Brake defined amatonormativity as the following in her book 'Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law':

'The assumption that a central, exclusive, amorous relationship is normal for humans, in that it is a universally shared goal, and that such a relationship is normative, in the sense that it should be aimed at in preference to other relationship types.'

Hence, some examples of amatornomativity include: saying that romantic relationships are superior to other ones, pressuring people to pursue romantic relationships and assuming that everyone wants to end up with a romantic partner and those who don't will be miserable, or feel that they are missing out.

Specific examples of arophobia include assuming aros are: hypersexual, lonely, heartless, sociopathic or damaged. Insisting that someone just needs to meet the 'right person' to fall in love with is also arophobic.

Whether aromanticism is distinctively oppressed or generally marginalised is debatable, yet regardless, arophobia is still an issue. General sources of such behaviour include: heterosexism, {allo}romantic privilege and allosexism. Hopefully, Arospec Awareness Week and a general increased understanding of the orientation will work to change that.

I hope you found this introduction into aromanticism informative and helpful

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I hope you found this introduction into aromanticism informative and helpful. Please do leave a comment if you have a question or something to add, I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for reading,


- thefineideayoucrave

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