13° Vocabulaire : Couleurs (색깔)

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Blanc = 희색 [hwouinnsèk]
Bleu = 파란색 [palannsèk]
Gris = 회색 [hoésèk]
Jaune = 노란색 [nolannsèk]
Noir = 검정색 [gômdjôngsèk]
Orange = 주황색 [djouhwangsèk]
Rose = 분홍색 [bounnhongsèk]
Rouge = 빨갈색 [palgalsèk]
Vert = 녹색 [noksèk]
Violet = 보라색 [bolasèk]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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