Chapter 16 [2]

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Written: February 2017                                     Edited: October 2020

"I know what you're going through, Alec." I said chasing after him reaching out to touch his arm but he moved away. 

"No, I I don't think you do. Jace is a part of me. Through a rune, we are both physically and emotionally connected, If he dies, a part of me dies, too. And I know he's out there. And he's in trouble, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it." He said all at once and I reached for his hand, smiling as I was finally able to grab it. Alec had been stressed since Jace left, which was completely understandable and I was trying to help the best I could but alec wasn't making it easy.

"Tell me what I can do." I said looking into his eyes. 

"Help me track Jace.I want to use our rune.  I just need you to get Magnus so he can use his magic for the pain." He said and I shook my head. 

"I can't help you with this" his hand immeditaley pulled away from mine.

"Why not? "

"Why not? Are you fucking kidding me? The last time you used a rune to track Jace, it almost killed you." I said frowning at the look on alec's face.

"Why can't you just do this one thing? After everything I've done for you." He shouted and I just took a step back. 

"I'm sorry, but I will not help you, Alec. Last time Magnus told me how bad it was. I am not letting you do this again, and you may hate me for it but I can't and won't let you die!" I said he just sighed before walking away. I looked away as my phone rang, my hands fumbling over my pockets trying to find my phone.

"Hey Iz" I said as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Charlie, come down to the ops Centre now, we are at war" she said and I just sighed.

"Sounds like a fun Wednesday morning" I heard her chuckle before the line went quiet.

"Are you and Alec okay?" I sighed.

"He's so stressed about Jace he's just kind of forgotten that people have feelings" I said and she chuckled slightly.

"See you in a minute" I said before going round the corner and pushing past everyone to make my way to Izzy and Alec. I smiled at Izzy as I stood next to her, ignoring the look i got from alec. My attention focused at the front, but I couldn't hear anything. The familiar pair of red eyes that had been frequently haunting my vision reappeared. I couldn't hear anything, apart from the loud thumping of my heart beat. I felt my hands start to shake as I stumbled back, the red eyes disappearing as an arm on my back turned my attention.

"You okay?" Alec asked quietly as a few shadow hunters looked on confused.

"I'm fine" I said giving alec a small smile, but by the way he stood behind me, arms on my waist I knew he didn't believe me.

I walked away with clary, the both of us talking about the lockdown Victor Aldertree put on the institute, the both of us angry.

"This just makes things ten times more difficult" clary nodded as we stood outside aldertrees office.

"Goodluck" she said giving my hand a small squeeze before I knocked on his door, a quiet mumble urged me to open the door.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as I opened the door,Victor looking up an annoying smile adorning his face.

"Yes, Charlie. Take a seat." He said ushering to the seat in front of the camera.

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