Chapter 18 [2]

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Written: March 2017                 Edited: February 2021

Warning: In this chapter, there are mentions of abuse. 

If you are struggling please reach out and ask for help if you need it.

Charlie's PoV:

I was at Magnus's house. I was in my room looking at some old photos of me when my phone went off, I reached over to pick it up. I smiled when I saw the caller ID swiping to answer.

"Hey clary what's wrong?" I asked

"How did you know something was wrong?" She asked.

"Twin telepathy. What is actually wrong though?" I asked again.

"Mom tried to kill Jace," she said.

"What?" I shouted into the phone before quickly hanging up.

I stormed out of my room and grabbed my jacket.

"Where are you going?" Magnus asked.

"To go fucking kill my mother," I said and Magnus just nodded before I stormed out. When I arrived at the institute I looked all around for her. I finally found her talking to somebody and called for her.

"MOM!" I shouted as I stormed over to her.

"Charlie what are you doing here?" She asked and I looked at her, shocked.

"Are you actually asking me that question? Clary told me what you tried to do. What is wrong with you? Why would you try and kill your own son? I know you married a fucking psychopath but I didn't think you were one too mom" I shouted earning looks from shadow hunters passing by.

"I was trying to do the right thing," she said, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah because shooting Jace is the right thing, mom," I said before trying to walk away.

"When I was pregnant with your brother, Valentine drugged me. He did an experiment on the baby." Mom quickly shouted after me. I stopped to a halt and spun around.

"What?" I said angrily.

"He injected Jonathan with demon blood." Mom said again and I shook my head.

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"He's sick. He thought demon blood would make our unborn child strong. And it did. But it also made him evil." She said and I nodded knowing fully well what Valentine could do.

"No, even if that's true, Downworlders have demon blood. They're not all bad." I said thinking of Magnus and Dot.

"Charlie, you have no idea how much I loved your brother. He was my baby boy. And I didn't want to believe it until I saw what he was capable of." She said and I nodded, my head lifting up as she let out a relieved sigh.

"You don't kill your own son. With or without Demon blood." She just looked at me in shock, but I just turned around walking away, walking down the corridor. I came to a stop when I hear clary talking.

"Alec, are you okay?" I heard Clary ask, I peeked around the corner to see them stood down the other end.

"Pretty bold of you to show your face here."He said and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I can explain." She said.

"Unless your explanation can bring Jace back, save it." My eyes widened at the way alec was speaking.

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