Why Him?

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I've officially made the revisions to this chapter! I apologize that it's taken me so long to finish revising this one, I got a bit caught up with studying for 10 exams <3 but I am done now!

Draco's POV:

The day after Granger's little breakdown, we decided it would be best to take Potter out to see the rest of Hogwarts. I personally thought this was a horrendous idea but you can't really get your way when three bloody Gryffindorks all opt to bring him outside.

Seeing as how the girl wasn't doing something this morning, she went to wake him up. I, myself, went into the small kitchen to make some tea. Yeah, I know, a Malfoy actually doing something on his own, surprising. Believe it or not, I can do things on my own.

"Alright Malfoy, we are going to leave now, you can come if you want..." Granger says expectantly.

Sighing, I twisted around in my seat to look at Granger with a dreary Potter in her arms, Weasley, and Finnigan, Blaise was still sleeping.

Begrudgingly, I lift myself on the stool I was sitting on and join them at the door.

"Well? What are we waiting for," I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow, not expecting a response.

"Nothing, let's go," She says.

And with that, I step out of the portrait and start walking towards the Great Hall.

"Draco, you do know we have to sit at the same table, correct?" The girl said.

"Do we now?"

"Yes, now come on. I won't sit at Slytherin," She replied.

I was unwillingly dragged all the way to the Gryffindor table and forced to sit there, "This is unfair! Why do I have to sit here!"

"Because you have to bond and watch over Harry, and we are not going to let him sit with the Slytherins! They will hurt him!" The Gryffindor cried.

"What if I sit over there next to him and watch him?" I ask, not that I really care about Potter's safety, I just don't want to sit at the Gryffindor table.

She looked hesitant, "Alright, but only for lunch today and you have to watch him very closely. I don't trust those Slytherins around Harry. Plus I doubt Harry would be very happy that he ate there when he gets back to normal, he hates Slytherins."

I frown lightly, it makes sense, but damn, did she have to rub it in my face?

I mean, I never really hated Potter, I was just jealous. I was hurt when he rejected my friendship, I had never had friends before, only followers. I was jealous because he had everything I wanted, friends, people who loved him, people who would die for him, he had love. I never got that. It's all that I ever wanted. I don't even try to want it anymore however, I mean, how could anyone love me? I am a death eater, I'm a Malfoy, and I'm gay. Yeah, I don't think so.

At this point, the only thing I care about is trying to make up for my mistakes. I doubt I'll be able to do that though, I've done so much damage, hurt so many people.

I just wish I could take it all back.

"That's fine," I reply.

To be honest, I didn't exactly want to sit at the Slytherin table, they hate me. I'm confused by them, half of them hate me for being 'Death eater scum' and the other half hate me for turning my back on the dark side and helping Potter.

However, I wasn't thrilled to sit at Gryffindor either, I mean the only things that will be said there are insults. I'll take it though because I deserve it, I'll take whatever they throw at me because I deserve it.

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