chapter 1

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"Do you want to do something special tonight?" 

I looked up at the blond boy sitting in front of me. 

We were at the cafe we usually come to when both of us are free. I liked the coffee they make here. He likes the pastries they sell. It was a mutual agreement we buy each other what we like, and sit down to talk to each other when we can.

"Special? What do you have in mind?" I took a sip of the sweet espresso that he had bought me a second ago.

"Well, I was thinking we could go catch a movie, or something," he shrugged, and I stirred my cup to cool the steam emitting from it.

"Why not just do the things that we usually do?" I suggested.

He gave me a tired look, "You mean sit at your house and get drunk? Although that may sound appealing, I want to be awake when I spend time with you."

"You make it seem like it's obligatory to spend time with me," I take another sip of the brew.

The bottom of his lips turn up as he says, "Who else would spend time with you if I didn't?"

He takes another bite of his cherry croissant, and I give him a look.

"A lot of people, actually, I have friends that would love to spend time with me," I snap, but he just laughs softly.

"And what do you do with those friends of yours?" 

"We go watch a movie."

Luke smiles, showing his straight, white teeth at me, before taking the last bite of his croissant.

"See you at 6 then."


The movie wasn't bad, it was a horror movie with many plot twists and turns. I am horrified of those movies though, it wasn't long before I hid under Luke's arm.

I could feel his chest move with every breath he took, and flinch every time a scary entity took place on screen. I listened closely to follow his heart beat.

Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump.

I find the human heart interesting. It pumps blood through your body at an incredible pace without being told to do so. It also pumps at least six quarts per minute, and two thousand gallons per day. My mind drifts to the poison I release into my body every day, but the thought disappears as quickly as it came. 

I glanced up at the boy with his arm around me. He has a nice face, and a good body to go with it, although he never tells me about working out. I never had feelings for him though, it never came up. Our relationship is almost like two buoys floating in a calm sea, we never meet, yet we never float too far apart. The happy medium.

"Taking a look at the goods?" He smirks without peering down at me. 

I make a face and shove his lanky arm back at him. He chuckles a bit, before continuing to watch the movie. I move my attention down to the popcorn bucket and I realize it's almost empty. 

I grab the bucket before whispering, "I'm going to go refill on popcorn, be right back."

As I stand up to leave, Luke grabs my arm and pulls me back down, making me lose my balance.

"Hold on, this is the best part."

I stare at the screen for a little bit, but I lose interest quickly. The monster chewing the human girl's head up doesn't exactly suit my taste. 

Instead, I turn my head to the lad sitting next to me. The movie reflects the light from his azure eyes, and I watch the excitement burn from his body. At least he's enjoying the movie.

"I, for one, know that they stop refills once the movie is over, so I'm going to go fill the bucket up," I say, suddenly standing up again.

Luke nods, returning his attention to the movie, and I shuffle past the people sitting next to him, whispering a few sorry's before reaching the exit. I sigh as I finally reach outside, breathing in the smell of melted butter and fresh popcorn. Like a kid at the candy store, I jog toward the concession stand, and I order another refill. As I watching hungrily, the man behind the stand fills the bucket generously. He cautiously hands it back to me, and I give him the money. 

As I was pouring the butter in, I see something peculiar in the corner of my eye. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black jeans, contrasting his tan skin color. The curls in his hair fall perfectly around him, with his glasses placed onto his nose. 

I quickly try to finish up buttering the popcorn and I pretend to be walking right past him to the movie theatre, although the movie theatre that Luke was is in the opposite direction.

I nonchalantly look away from him, and my plan works when he calls me name.

"Oh, Haven!"

I turn around innocently, smiling at him.

"Oh, hi Ashton!"

"What a coincidence you're here, I just came to catch a movie. Work was pretty boring today," He says, scratching the back of his head.

"Ah, I see. I came to watch a movie with my friend, I came out to refill the popcorn," I gestured to the popcorn in my hands, and he nods.

"Cool. Hey, did you.. want to meet up sometime when you're free?" He asks, and I could almost feel my heart about to explode.

"Yeah, that'd be great! Maybe we could catch a movie together sometime," I smile, gauging his facial reactions. 

"Alright, I'll text you, okay? Enjoy your movie," Ashton waves before walking away, and I grin at myself. 

I'm going on a date with Ashton Irwin? Is this real life? I pinch myself, before breathing in and out rapidly. 

I almost jumped in joy, but I remembered the bucket of popcorn in my hands and why I was here in the first place. After I see that Ashton disappeared into the room his movie was playing, an action movie I watched once before, I snuck back into my own room.

I shuffle past the annoyed people again, and I sit back next to Luke, who stares at me as I sit down.

"Why were you gone so long?" He asks, no longer paying attention to the movie.

"Nothing," I smile a bit, and he scoffs.

"Nothing? Sure seems like something to me," He says, turning his attention back to the screen.

Something. Something magical did happen, Luke.


a/n: and that's chapter 1 for you guys. i actually have the entire story and ending planned in my head, so i might be uploading one every day, or something close to that if i'm not lazy and playing video games. i'm not quite sure how long i want this to run, i don't think it'll be as long as bad habits, but it'll be considerably long, maybe 20 1000 worded chapters? we'll see. 

thanks for reading, make sure to vote if ya liked it and comment, love ya.


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