The Longest Car Ride

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It's years later, Lucy is now 25 and has a beautiful 8 year old boy. She named him Xavier and he was the picture of health but in order to start at a new school he needed an updated physical.

In the waiting room of a hospital...

"Xavier Michaels?" a nurse in pink scrubs calls from the other side of the waiting room.

"That's us." Lucy says cheerfully to her son playing at her feet. They enter the double doors behind the lady in pink who leads them into the exam room they will be using.

"Have a seat the doctor will be right with you." the nurse says before ducking out of the room.

15 minutes later with the doctor...

"Ok let's take a look at you." The doctor says with a smile on his face while patting the paper covered bed, motioning for Xavier to hope up. After a while when the doctor is checking Xavier's eyes he gets a funny look on his face that Lucy picks up immediately.

"Is something wrong?" Lucy asks, the concern clear in her voice.

"Oh nothing, just to be for certain though I'm just gonna run a few tests." replied the good doctor still with that smile on his face.

A few months later...

"Isn't there anything else we can do?" Lucy practically begs George who she has come to know quite well in the months that followed Xavier's diagnosis.

"I'm afraid not, chemo isn't working and the cancer is too far along for surgery to be an option." George replies a grim expression on his face already dreading his next words, "I'm afraid he only has a few weeks to live, 6 at most." Lucy crumples to the ground shaking with the news she knew was coming. "Why don't you take him home and spend sometime together?" He says leading her back into the room where her little boy sleeps.

The funeral...

"No one prepared me for the trials of motherhood, but against all odds I made it. I raised a beautiful young boy as a teenage single mom. We had barely anything his entire life but no matter what he never ceased to smile." Lucy looks over the crowd of familiar faces, she can feel her throat start to close up, until her eyes rest on George and she starts to feel a little better. "He was the smartest littlest boy I knew and he loved to play soccer in the rain. There was nothing in the world that could stop him from getting what he wanted or anyone that could say no to his smile." a sad chuckle rises from the crowd.

George stares at Lucy willing her to hold it together until the end, his eyes have looked everywhere except the one place everyone's eyes seem to be avoiding as if not looking at the little gray casket would make it not true. Suddenly he hears clapping, realizing he'd zoned out for the last of Lucy's speech. She walks toward him, she's slimmer than she was when they first met and the circles under her eyes will likely be permanent but she's still just as beautiful. He hugs her tight before leading her away from the people in black and towards the car. He asks the driver if they could stop at McDonald's quickly before heading home to get Lucy her grieving food, fries and chicken nuggets. It starts to rain as they make the journey back to Lucy's small two bedroom apartment. This was the longest car ride of their life, when in reality it was just a little over 20 minutes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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