Chapter Nineteen - Hunted

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"I do love you, baby," Dr

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"I do love you, baby," Dr. Farrah said.

"Ha! I know!" Billy laughed. "I tricked you. I love you and you love me. I know that, Mummy."

"Holy crap," Jacob whispered.

"We have to keep following them," I said, stepping up to the wall and gesturing at it. "Go ahead." I looked at Jacob, who was still staring out his peephole, shaking. I looked to Beth.

"It's ok," she said, bending down and pulling Jacob into a hug. "He'll be ok."

Jacob sobbed lightly while Beth held him. I couldn't hear Dr. Farrah's footsteps anymore.

"He won't be ok," I said, pounding my fist against the wall. "Get up, you idiots. He's going to die while you sit there crying." When they didn't move, I crossed the room and pulled them apart, pushing Beth one way and Jacob the other. "Get up! Happy and brave, remember? Please."

They started, both shaking their heads as if they were trying to get something off of them.

"Sorry," Jacob said, sniffing hard and wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "It's this place. I can't think straight."

Beth stood, blinking hard. "The map... I know where they're going," she said, placing her hand against the wall. "Jacob. Go through ten walls this way, then turn left and go through twelve. As fast as you can. We'll be right behind you."

Jacob nodded, then placed his hand against the wall. It disappeared and he shot through it into the next room, then the next and the next.

"Where are we going?" I asked, turning to Beth.

She grabbed me by the wrist. "Close your eyes."

"Oh no," I said as the floor slipped from under me. I shut my eyes tight and felt us fly forward, the wind of our speed whipping at my face. My hand nearly tore from my arm as Beth pulled me around a corner, our speed increasing.

We stopped.

"Through here," Beth said, rushing to a wall and carving out a single peephole. "Yes," she whispered.

I stepped over and Beth let me look through the peephole. On the other side Dr. Farrah stood in neither another interrogation room nor the hallway, but in a small room lined with metal control panels heavily laden in blinking lights. A single pane of glass sat above the complicated instruments, providing a view into a tiled room beyond. Within sat Kayle and Billy, shivering and vacant-eyed.

"Please," Kayle said, reaching an arm feebly toward the glass. "Don't."

Ignoring Kayle's request, Dr. Farrah stepped up to one of the control panels and began fiddling with the buttons and levers. A hissing sound came from beyond the glass as the doctor pressed a red button. She turned a black dial and the hissing grew louder. A small, grey cloud began to form in the room.

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