Air Ducts?

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Ezra changed into ghost form and floated through the walls of the Ghost. He was following a sound he heard. Depa stayed close behind him. The two ghost entered a living quarters that was very plan. Not a single poster or painting for decoration hung on the wall.
Ezra changed back into his human form and opened the drawer. He removed all three items inside. He instinctively knew how to put two of the items together.
"Ezra, what do you think your doing?" Depa asked.
"I think you already know. You hear it too." Ezra replied.
"Of course I do. I always have. The master always hears their student's weapon just as the padawan always hears the master's." Depa replied.
"So this belonged to your Caleb? Well I'm just going to see what it looks like." Ezra said with amusement.
"I'm not going to be able to stop you am I?" Depa asked.
"Not as a ghost." Ezra replied.
"Halfas I swear! I miss teaching a student who couldn't walk through walls. Even though Caleb asked a million questions." Depa said.
Ezra ignited the lightsaber. He swings it around a little as Depa rolled her eyes. Then the locked door opened.
"Easy, you'll cut your arm off." Kanan said.
"It won't hurt me." Ezra replied.
"He's right Caleb." Depa said wishing her padawan could hear and see her. Unfortunately his ability to do so wasn't strong enough for that yet. He wouldn't have even sensed Ezra in here if the halfa hadn't switched back to human form as soon as he located the source of the call.
"How did you get in here and what are you doing with my lightsaber?" Kanan asked.
"You're not going to believe me if I tell you." Ezra replied.
"That's an understatement." Depa said to herself.
"Then start with the most believable part." Kanan answered.
"Would you believe it called to me?" Ezra asked.
"Your right I don't believe you." Kanan replied gesturing for the boy to hand it over.
"You should Caleb." Depa said.
"A lightsaber." Ezra said turning the weapon to get a better look at it. "Isn't that the weapon of the Jedi?"
"Just hand it over." Kanan said.
"Ezra don't you dare." Depa warned. She knew her halfa student wasn't about to listen to either of them.
"So having one would make you a Jedi, but the Jedi are dead. Aren't they?" Ezra went on.
"Ezra Bridger!" Depa scolded.
"Not all of us." Kanan answered much to Depa's shock. She had known what Caleb had done. How he cut himself off from the force.
Ezra handed over the weapon.
"If a friend of mine is right in the description that lightsaber belonged to a padawan by the name of..." Ezra said.
Kanan turned around. "What would your friend know about my lightsaber?"
"So then you are Caleb Dume?" Ezra asked.
"Where did you hear that name?" Kanan asked.
"I didn't say a word Kanan." Hera said from the other side of the now opened door.
"I told you a friend of mine told me." Ezra replied.
"Ezra Bridger just zip it now!" Depa said.
"And what may I ask is the name of this friend of yours that seems to know so much about the Jedi that they knew about who I used to be?" Kanan asked.
"I can't say. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone until they can met her himself." Ezra replied.
"Then where is she? I'd like to meet her." Kanan said.
"I'm right here Caleb. We've already met." Depa said knowing it fell on def ears.
"If you can't even sense her you're no where near ready to meet her again. She really misses you though." Ezra replied.
"Forget it then." Kanan said. He pushed Ezra out of the room.
As Ezra got out of Kanan's eyesight he pulled out the holocron.
"Now we'll see." He could hear Kanan say to Hera with his ghost hearing.
"Ezra you really shouldn't have said that." Depa said.
"So this is the holocron you gave him as a gift?" Ezra said ignoring her comment. She could never really get the halfa to listen to her. She hoped Kanan would have more luck with the boy.
"Yes, it is." She replied. "Are you going to open it?"
"As soon as I figure out how." Ezra replied. "It would be helpful if you'd tell me how."
"I'm sorry Ezra but I can't. Caleb gave you this to test you. I may already know that you can open it but he doesn't. It's his job to teach you about the way of the living force. My job is only to teach you the ways of the cosmic force." Depa said.

The next thing Ezra knew he was in the arms of an imperial agent. Sure he could just go ghost and escape but that would revile himself not only to the empire but to this crew. It was better
"Move kid." Zeb yelled.
"I'm trying." Ezra replied. He might have considered switching to ghost form if only Zeb could see or if no one was around. However the empire had no idea what they had done to him and it was too risky to revile it now.
Zeb eventually gave up and abandoned the kid.
"CALEB DUME GET YOU AND YOUR LITTLE CREW BACK HERE AND SAVE THIS BOY!" Depa yelled at her padawan as the Ghost took off.
Ezra rolled his eyes as he was escorted to his cell. After being searched they left him alone with the force ghost. Then the agent that had introduced himself as Agent Kallus had put Ezra in cuffs. Of course Ezra hadn't given him his real name. On all imperial files Ezra Bridger was dead and had been for seven years.
"You do know he can't hear you right?" Ezra asked the force ghost who was still yelling at her old padawan to come back for the halfa.
"I know. Even if I was yelling in his ears he couldn't hear me. That's what's frustrating about this whole thing." Depa replied in a harsh but calmer tone.
Ezra shifted his hands into ghost form and slipped out of the cuffs. He pulled out the holocron.
"Somehow this is the only thing that they didn't find." he replied.
"Well this is probably as good of a place as any to open it. Before you go full ghost and escape again." Depa said knowing Ezra's plan already.
"I guess I could give it a try." Ezra said and sat down.
He actually listened to it letting the holocron calm him and tell him how it opened. Then once he had opened it a messaged played.
Ezra looked at the holoimage of the man it displayed.
"Obi Wan Kenobi, he's a halfa like me?" Ezra asked.
"He is as was his master before him and his padawan after him." Depa replied.
"Did he die when you did?" Ezra asked.
"In a way he did. So did his padawan and master Yoda. Their deaths were closer to yours than mine though." Depa answered. "I'm glad Caleb got this message before he became like ether one of us."
"Why wasn't Caleb turned into a halfa like me anyways?" Ezra asked.
"Because I interfered. I told him to run before we were both shot. I took the blaster shot so he didn't have to. I made sure he was saved when he was ejected into space like you were. I made sure someone got to him before it was too late. That's something that no one could do for you." Depa replied. "I made the sacrifice for him that your parents wished they could have made for you."
"So he still has the ability to..." Ezra started.
Depa nodded.
"Time to ghost." Ezra said grabbing the holocron and changing forms. He faded through the floor of the cell. He then passed quickly through the walls of the ship until he found his stuff. Then he floated over Agent Kallus es dropping in on his conversations. Ezra and Depa listened in for any useful information. Ezra even stole a cadet helmet for his collection (Yes even Halfa Ezra collects them) much to Depa's disapproval.
"They came back maybe Caleb did hear you." Ezra said to Depa. Since he was still in ghost form only the two of them could hear him.
"As much as I wish that was true I think it was more guilt that got to him." Depa said.
"Guilt at leaving me behind?"
"No, leaving me behind. He's making up for it by going back for you." Depa said.
"Well then let's make it easy for him for once." Ezra said as he slipped through the floor into the air ducts above the hangar the Ghost was in. He changed back into human form with the helmet on so he could continue listening in. He dropped down from the vent in front of the crew he was supposed to join. He wasn't quite sure if he actually wanted to though. Depa had already gave him a long lecture on why he would join them though. Force forbid he turn them down and her not turn him into a true ghost. He caused enough trouble as a halfa that there was no way he would get permission from the ghost council to come back then. They had barely allowed Depa to and that agreement expired in two in a half years. At that point he would be the youngest person to master Halfa training. He was already the youngest halfa to receive training.
Ezra fell right in front of Zeb. The big purple guy punched him and sent him flying between Kanan and Sabine. The two helped him up and he threw off the helmet.
"First you leave me then you punched me." Ezra complained.
"How was I supposed to know it was you when you had a bucket on your head?" Zeb replied.
"How many cadets appear out of nowhere dropping in front of you?" Depa asked rhetorically.
"Can we just get out of here?" Ezra asked.
"After you this time." Zeb said shoving Ezra in. Depa waited until everyone was on the Ghost and the ramp closed before she joined them.

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