Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Carter's pov*

It's 7:56. Austin's gonna skype me any minute. I've been so anxious to know what he has to tell me. I went on Skype and Austin was calling me.
A-Hey babe!
A-How have you been holding up?
C-Well when we got back from the airport I cried so much I tired myself out and feel asleep. How about you?
A-Pretty much the same.
C-Awe. I'm sorry baby.
A-Me too. So you wanna know the surprise now?
C-Yes I've been thinking about it all day
A-Ok so I told management that this has been effecting my performances and they said.... YOU CAN COME FOR THE REST OF THE TOUR!
C-OH MY GOD! Are you serious?!
A-Yeah you can come tomorrow or even tonight but you would get here late
C- I don't care. I just want to see you.
A-I wanna see you too.
C- Well I'm gonna come tonight. I better get packing. See you soon.
A-Bye babe. See you soon. Love you
C-Love you too.
We both hung up and I walked upstairs and packed. I was done in about 10 minutes. Michele could give me a ride to the airport. I walked over to Michele's and walked into the front door. "Hey Michele? Did Austin tell you that I could come for the rest of the tour?" I asked. "Yeah. I can give you a ride if that's what you were gonna ask." She said. "Ok thanks." We walked to the car and drove to the airport in silence. I was so excited to see Austin, I felt like throwing up. "Alright we're here." Michele said and we got out of the car and walked into the airport. "FLIGHT 74 NOW BOARDING" "Bye Michele. See ya later." I said and gave her a hug. "Bye sweetie. Look after Austin for me. Don't do anything stupid." She said. "I'll look after him and don't worry I won't." I said and left. I can't wait to see Austin.

*a 3 hours later*
It's 11:00 and the plane just landed. I got my suitcase and looked for Austin and Alex. When I spotted Austin I was so happy. Austin saw me too and came running over to me. I dropped all my stuff and gave him a huge hug and started crying. "I missed you so much." I cried. "I missed you too." He was crying too. I walked over to Alex and gave him a hug. "Hey sis. How have you been holding up?" Alex asked. "Not well but I'm better now." I said and looked at Austin and smiled. "Now I can do this." Austin said and gave me a long passionate kiss which turned into a make-out session. "Ahem. Please get a room. It's weird to see you making out with my sister." Alex whined. We pulled away and laughed. We all walked to the car. Alex drove and Austin and I went to the back. "I can't believe I get to be here for the rest of the tour." I said. "Me neither. I've missed you so much. I've been miserable." Austin said. "At least we get to see each other now." I said and gave Austin a kiss. We got to the hotel and Alex went to one room and Austin and I went to another. "We have our own room?" I asked. "Well this is my room but I thought you would wanna share a room with me." Austin said. "I'm good with that." I said. Austin grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him. "I know I've said it a lot but I missed you so much." He said then kissed me which again turned into a make-out session but Alex wasn't in here to interrupt. "C'mon let's go to bed." Austin said in between the kiss. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the room. "Can I wear one of your shorts?" I asked. "Sure." He said then threw me a shirt. I put on my yoga shorts and Austin's shirt them got into the bed. Austin got in and wrapped his arms around me. "I missed cuddling with you." I said. "Me too." He said. My eyes started to feel heavy. I looked over at Austin and he was already asleep. I soon fell asleep after that.

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