Chapter 4

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Catherine stood on the porch, her hand wrapped around the wooden rail. Emily was staring at her with an unreadable expression on her face. Bringing the cigarette to her mouth, she took a deep drag, her eyes squinted slightly at Catherine. Catherine gulped, slightly shaken with the unreasonable attraction she instantly felt towards Emily. She strained herself to keep her eyes trained on Emily's face and not wander to her long toned legs, or her partially revealed stomach. Exhaling the thick puff of smoke, the younger girl looked blankly at Catherine.

"Welcome back Cat." she said using her nickname. Catherine noticed her voice changed, it was more mature of course but also slightly raspy, due to cigarette consumption she guessed. It was sexy. Catherine lost the battle with her mind as her eyes trailed over Emily's lean figure.

What is wrong with you? This is Emily, for Christ's sake, girl you considered as a younger sister once, she mentally scolded herself, forcing her deep blues back to Emily's face.

Emily was taking another drag of her cigarette, seemingly unperturbed.

Catherine realized they have been staring at each other for a while now, not saying a word.

 "So how's life been?" she asked, still feeling strangely uncomfortable and undeniably physically drawn to the younger girl at the same time.

 Emily laughed humorlessly, "How do you think life would be in this fucking dump?"

Catherine frowned, feeling all familiar regret all over again. "Yeah, I guess..." she shrugged not really knowing what to say.

 "What about you? How's life been treating you Cat?" Emily asked with just a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

 Catherine didn't like it. She never really thought of how would actual talking to Emily look like, but she definitely didn't imagine her to be like this. In her head she was still that little, innocent girl, with an endearing smile and even sweeter personality. Besides she definitely didn't count on being attracted to her. She wasn't sure if she should feel disgusted with herself or disgusted even more that she didn't feel disgusted by the strong pull she felt towards the younger girl.

 "It has been good so far... I joined the army." she finally answered.

 "So why the fuck are you back?" she asked, her brows furrowed. Catherine noted she wasn't pissed but rather genuinely confused.

 So I see she has dirty mouth too...Shit don't even go there Catherine, she shook her head in self-disapproval.

 Emily still stared at her, seemingly unaware of Catherine's inner turmoil.

 "Erm long story...I guess you could say I have something to take care of here."

Catherine didn't know why she felt like omitting that she was here only to sell the house and scram away as soon as possible. She guessed she still cared about her little friend and didn't want to hurt her.

 "Mhmm." Emily mused stepping on the cigarette butt with her shoe. Another uncomfortable silence followed where neither of them knew what to say really. It seemed that all the years apart have put a huge gap between them. Catherine realized that was actually quite sad. Someone who she cared deeply for appeared only a stranger to her now. She felt like reaching out to Emily in this moment, telling her she was sorry for her abrupt departure, sorry for leaving without goodbye, but she didn't know how.

 Her years in the army taught her to put her emotions in the background, not to let them interfere with her life. Would delving back into her past dig up unwanted emotions? Probably. She was here for the practical purposes and that was all. And that's why she decided to stay quiet and not say anything else.

 "So you are not back for good?" Emily asked.

 "No. When I finish my business I will leave." Catherine sighed, getting more uncomfortable by second.

 "Good decision." Emily nonchalantly said, now sounding quite indifferent to their conversation.

 Getting agitated with this strange and awkward conversation, Catherine decided it was the time to retreat.

 "Erm it was nice talking to you. I should get ba—"

 "Yeah you do that." Emily interrupted her. Her green eyes bore themselves intensely into Catherine's.

 "Umm yeah, see you around Em." Catherine bent down to pick her half-eaten sandwich and beer, and with one last look at Emily who was still following with her eyes, she closed the door.

Catherine leaned on her door, deeply perturbed by the encounter. She closed her eyes, going down the memory lane, and trying to understand who was this girl she just talked to? Emily was actually quite difficult to explain what Emily was but one thing was certain, she bore little resemblance to her  thirteen year old self.

How old is she now anyways? Eighteen? Catherine mused to herself. That's almost legal...Shit Catherine, what's with these thoughts again? she hit her head on the door, trying to force them out.

She seems quite badass though, Catherine thought of her posture, of her raspy voice, of her nonchalant attitude. One thing was certain about Catherine. She had a thing for bad girls, and Emily seemed to fit right into the stereotype, at least from what she's seen so far. She didn't expect that at all. She was still completely taken aback by the cognition of what a beautiful and undeniably sizzling hot young woman Emily had grown into.

Catherine discovered her preference for girls in the army. After watching quite a few girls getting it on, she got curious herself, and well after trying it, there was no going back. She didn't date a lot though. The nature of her job didn't really give much time for other things. So mostly, she endorsed in night stands or casual dating. She did have one serious girlfriend, but they broke up a year ago. That was Catherine's first real heartbreak. She still thought of her ex with a bit of longing and bitterness for the way she just dumped her one day, saying she didn't feel it anymore.

 A firm knock on the door caused Catherine to jump in fear. She was still affected by loud, sudden movements. Sometimes she thought that's what she will live with for the rest of her life. But she would have done it all over again, running away and joining the army. It was her life calling.

 Leaving now warm beer and sandwich on the table, she went back and opened the door. She was taken aback again. Emily was standing at her door with one hand on her hip. She was so close that Catherine could faintly smell her scent. Looking at her up close, her heart started pumping adrenalin from excitement.

God dammit why does she have to be this sexy?

 "Emily." she said louder than intended.

 "My mother heard you were back. She wants you to come to dinner tonight." Emily said.

 "Umm sure. That'd be nice."

 Catherine's eyes fell on the necklace that was dangling on Emily's neck, its charm hidden underneath her shirt. Too curious to stop herself Catherine reached for it, pulling on it gently until the charm was in her palm.

 "Isn't this--?" her brows rose in surprise.

 "It is." Emily interrupted her, tucking the necklace back underneath, their fingers touching in the process.

 Catherine tried not to think of the smoothness of her skin and of excitement that little touch sent through her body. Her thoughts were getting out of control once again.

"Be there at eight, she said." Emily briskly wrapped the conversation and sauntered away without a goodbye. Catherine was unable to look away. 

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