Chapter 7

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Loud noises. Screeching buzz of grenades. Terrifying sound of machine gun. Yelling. Pleads for help. Screams. Blood.

She was trapped, two hands were grabbing at her, pulling her at her. She was sure this was her end. The arms pulled on her, dragging her darkness...obscurity...death.



"Wake up." 

Catherine shot straight, grabbing the enemy in the deadlock. She had to act fast. Her whole body was hot, her heart beating in a frenzy. Squeezing the enemy's air supply off and blinking furiously she tried to make sense out of situation. 

"'re cho-- choking me." Emily gasped for air, trying to peel of strong soldier arms off of her. 

Her eyes unfocused, she tried to understand where she was. This place didn't resemble the one from her dreams. It was her old house, she was kneeling on her father's old sofa. She wasn't choking an enemy, she wasn't back there. Her hands were locked tightly around fragile neck, frenzied pulse beating on her palm, two terrified eyes staring at her from the darkness. Realizing what she was doing, Catherine released her immediately. 

"I- I'm sorry. I thought..." she trailed off, slouching on the small sofa in shock and embarrassment, her arms folded in her lap, her fists clenched hard. 

"It's fine." Emily whispered hoarsely, rubbing her throat where Catherine grabbed her. Sitting in an uncomfortable silence, Catherine had her head down, guilt washing over her.

"I heard you yelling so I got worried." the younger girl whispered again breaking the silence and brushed sticky dark hair from Catherine's forehead. 

Catherine sighed closing her eyes and wanting to lean into Emily's comforting palm, but not knowing if that was appropriate especially after what she's done.

"Are you ok Cat?" 

" was just a bad dream." 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Emily asked tentatively. Catherine opened her eyes to see if the concern in Emily's voice matched her facial expression. But, the room was too dark, she could only see pretty contours of her face. 

"I don't even remember it anymore." she whispered turning her head away hoping that Emily wouldn't notice the blatant lie. She remembered, of course she did. She was afraid that she will never be able to forget. These dreams were a part of her now, a part of who she is. Not wanting to give her an opportunity to ask again, Catherine swiftly changed the topic. 

"Are you ok?" she scooted closer to Emily, gently touching her throat. The younger girl audibly sighed, Catherine wasn't entirely sure if it was from the pain or something else. Her skin was soft, and warm. Catherine trailed her fingers delicately over the area. "Did I hurt you?" she whispered, her voice guilt ridden. 

"N-No." Emily muttered quietly, her breathing getting weirdly shallow. She looked up then at Catherine, searching for her eyes. The soldier girl could feel her breath hitching in her throat. Her eyes adapted to the darkness somewhat by now and she noticed how close they were. Just a breath away. Catherine felt an irresistible and all too familiar urge to kiss her again. Unwillingly she felt herself leaning closer. Moving her palms upwards she cupped the delicate cheek feeling Emily lean on it. 

Her heart thumping against her rib cage, she almost closed the small distance and pressed her lips on Emily's. It would have been easy, she just had to lean in and finally she would have tasted those plush, pink lips. Stopping herself suddenly, she let her hand drop in her lap and she scooted away.

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