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Castiel was heartbroken. He quite liked Penemue. His sister was kind and loving.

With angels having fallen, Gabriel was left distraught as he took Castiel and flew to Michael and Raphael and God.

"They fell!" Gabriel yelled. He set Castiel down in one corner and stormed to his brothers. "How dare you! My brothers and sister, and you let them all fall! You let the Knowledgeable Penemue fall!? Who else fell, oh great Father? Who else is no longer allowed in Heaven because of a stupid argument with Lucifer!?"

God sighed, "Many. Many others fell. It was for their own good, Gabriel."

"For their own good!?" Gabriel shrieked.

Michael stepped up, looking bold and mighty as usual. "Enough, Gabriel! Do you wish to Fall as well?"

Gabriel stood still, rigid, at a loss of words. He looked at his brothers, Father, Heaven, and turned away. "Create them; your toys. Humans. Go ahead and create them, but when they need me most, I'll do exactly what Lucifer wanted to do — eliminate them! Father, there will be a day when Michael and Raphael and Lucifer and Heaven and Hell and all of humanity will need the help of an extra Archangel. And I won't do anything."

Gabriel walked away and took Castiel with him, anger pouring off of him in waves of energy so bitter in made other angels back off in fear.

All except ever loyal Castiel.

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