Righteous Man

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Time passed for the Archangel and his brother. Gabriel followed the ways of God and Michael, though he despised it. He rooted for those humans that went against God and the ways of angels. He would protect them in secret and was given a name by the Greeks and Romans, Hermes and Mercury.

Castiel grew up. Still fairly younger, he followed Gabriel and his ways of free thought. He was as cunning and tricky as the youngest Archangel, and nobody dared mess with the favorite brother of Gabriel, the devious.

Castiel would travel with Gabriel on such missions God gave his fourth Archangel. He was there when Gabriel told Mary of Jesus, and boy did those two angels have fun.

The Bible, written now by their sister Lailah, was changed to sound glorious to the eyes of humans. Little to their knowledge, the true words of Gabriel were crude and joking, twisted with his tongue of hate for humanity.

Castiel was there when Gabriel invited him to watch the angel in service of death, Af, slaughter the oldest son of the Egyptians.

To them both, humanity was nothing but a source of entertainment. Michael withheld none of his thoughts, letting God and any angel hear of his thoughts about Gabriel. Words comparing Gabriel with Lucifer fled the first Archangel's mouth at sight of Gabriel.

It was the day God left his last plan of destiny that Castiel and Gabriel stopped their shenanigans.

Angry at his two sons, God wrote of a human capable of causing them both harm. A man able to spill blood in he'll of those he considered enemies. A man who would play right by God and set Gabriel and Castiel in their place.

Not much longer after this new fate, God disappeared.

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