She was their rag-doll.
Claws tore into her bleeding heart.
Supernovas erupted on her skin,
As senseless asteroids rained upon her,
In the form of her father's fists,
And her mother's words.
They then pelted each other with their own ammunition,
Of their own weapons.
A civil war broke out.
The cries of her mother,
Mingled with her own,
Were lost among the meteors that were her father's fists.
The black holes of his pupils looked back to her.
Never-ending darkness swallowed her whole.
Black Hole - A region of space containing a huge amount of mass compacted into an extremely small volume. A black hole's gravitational influence is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape its grasp. Swirling disks of material – called accretion disks – may surround black holes, and jets of matter may arise from their vicinity.
Minds of the Universe
Poetry"The unfathomable depths of the ocean cannot be compared to the galaxies within our minds." Poetry coming 2018. Your neighborhood stand-alone poems whose side-effects may include the sniffles, "wtf was author on", and "OML I love/hate this book, let...