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~Maybe I am starting to fall for the girl I met at my Meet&Greet and it took family bonding to actually realize that.


Y/N's POV: ~ 1 month later~

Todays the day!

Todays the day I am going on tour with Justin all around the world. Justin told me I could bring someone and so I asked Rebecca if she wanted to come. I didn't bother to ask Krystal since Fredo and her are apparently a 'thing' so he asked her to come with him. They both agreed to go but they can only stay for 2 weeks since they have to come back for school.

I called my mom and she let me go only if I called her and update her on everything that's happening. I was more then glad about it the only bad thing about it is that I'm not able to say good-bye since she doesn't live in California like me. She lives in Florida in the city of Miami.

I had just finished packing my things when Justin walked in and leaned against the door frame.

''Hey.'' I said with a smile and sat down at the edge of the bed.

He walked over to where I was sitting and took a seat next to me.

''Hey.'' he said back. ''Excited?'' He asked me.

''Yea; Thank you Justin.'' I told him honestly.

''For what?''

''Thank you for everything you have ever done. Thank you for letting me stay here, thank you for being so nice to me. Thank you for inviting me to go on tour and Thank you for taking care of me when I fainted at your Meet and Greet.'' I answered while looking straight at his hazel brown eyes that have this sparkle that you just can't resist even if you want to.

He didn't say anything but give me a big hug. We hugged for a while until I pulled away and looked into his haze brown eyes.

''So... Who's sleeping where?'' I asked, he put his arm around my shoulder and interwined our fingers together.

''There are 4 buses; 1 for the dancers, 1 for the performers and security, another for the adults as in parents Kenny and stuff, and another for us.'' He explained.

''Who's gonna be in the bus with us and how are we sleeping?.'' I asked him carefully.

''Okay, so their are 2 bedrooms and 6 bunk beds. I thought 1 room was for us two and the other room would be for Krystal and Fredo since they are a 'thing'. And then Ryan, Chaz, Rebecca, Christian and Caitlin in the bunk beds.'' He said while playing with my hair. I counted carefully and there was an empty bunk.

''But theirs one more bunk left?'' 

''Yea, that one is incase someone needs to crash their or something like that.'' He said while shrugging it off.

''And who's going to be your opening act?'' I asked.

''There is supposed to be 4 opening acts. I know two of them are Ariana and Cody but then the last two I don't know who they are. Apparently scooter doesn't know either who it is but that we will be meeting them when we all go to the buses.''

I nodded in understandment and was about to speak but the door burst open to seeing Alfredo walk in through the door with Rebecca and Krystal.

''Hey guys'' I told them.

''What's up.'' Justin spoke up next to me but none of them answered as if they were all lost in their own thoughts.

''Guys.'' Justin said pulling them out of cloud 9.

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