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~This is going to be one Thrilling tour.


Justin's POV:

I decided to go back on the bus while Y/N and Scooter had there 'PRIVATE' talk but I was getting pretty bored so I'm going to go check on the guys. I stood on the top stairs of the bus and watched as everyone was crowded near the window that lead to the living room where....Y/N and scooter where. I was about to make my way down the bus stairs when Caitlin popped out of no where and didn't have any intentions of moving.

''Hey Cait.'' I greeted her.

''Hey Justin.'' she replied back.

''What's up?'' I asked her trying to get out of this awkward moment. Caitlin and I went out when we were little but broke up and we always had a good friendship but we always had those awkward moments where one of us didn't know what to say to the other and this was one of those moments.

''So... You like Y/N?'' she asked out of the blue catching me off guard.

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly and answered with a simple 'yea' and laughed a little which made her laugh too. I looked at her and she was twirling her hair in her finger and that only meant one thing.

'Caitlin Beatles was up to nothing good.' I was about to ask what she was planning in her little head but  heard Y/N's voice loud and clear and oh did she sound mad. I looked past Caitlin and saw Y/N screaming at Scooter and everybody else who was watching her.

I rushed past Caitlin worried was happening and was behind her just in time to hear Y/N say to scooter or rather scream.

''I can raise my voice at you all I freaking want. Wanna know why? Because you aren't my dad and won't ever be so I can do what ever I want INCLUDING talk to Justin.'' Y/N spat at scooter which left me even more confuse then what I already was.

After Y/N hollered at Scooter she turned around with force not expecting for anyone to be behind her which made her crash into my chest.

''Y/n what's going on?''  I asked looking between her and Scooter.

''Why don't you ask you MANAGER. Since he obviously knows what's best for you.'' she spat at me and walked off to the bus.

Her words kept repeating in my head 'Why don't you ask you MANAGER. Since he obviously knows what's best for you.'. I wonder what she was talking about but one thing is for sure I will find out what that was all about.

I turned to scooter to only see him glaring at Y/N as she walked towards the bus.

''What did you tell her.'' I said through clenched fist at this point.

''Justin calm down I was only doing this for your own good.'' Scooter said trying to calm me down but wasn't working one tiny bit.

''Oh so help me scooter if you don't tell me what happened I- I wont go on tour.'' I threatened scooter with a smirk on my face.

I looked at him and his face drained of color.

''You wouldn't.'' He said surprised.

I looked at everyone and they all had smirks on their faces. They obviously new what I was doing. I was going to threatened scooter into me not going on tour until he tells me what he told her. I may be exaggerating things but when it comes to Y/N I would do anything for her.

''So are you going to tell me what you told her or do I need to go and get my stuff out of the bus.'' I said while crossing my arms on my chest.

He sighed in defeat and started talking.

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