Early Christmas Present

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Justin's POV:

~I kept thinking how Y/N keeps missing her parents and I think I know what my next surprise will be for her.


Justin's POV:

It's been a week since that magical moment Y/N and I shared at the beach together. I love that girl so much that it hurts; all I know is that I want and need to keep her happy. I've noticed for a while how she has been missing her parents awful a lot so why not bring her parent's up west to Cali since we are here already to spend christmas and New Years together. My mom and dad, and the little ones are coming down here today to spend the holidays together. I also have already planned for Y'N's parents to arrive today at around 2 in the afternoon in my private jet. I sent Y/N with Demi, Miley, Ashley (Ryan's GF), Selena, and Taylor to go shopping for christmas and to have a like a girl day type of shit that they do; honestly sutff I can never understand. Alfredo, Ryan, Za, Khali and Scooter are coming over to decorate the house before everyone arrives for the weekend.

*Ding* *Dong* The thought kills bro.

I jogg over to the door and as soon as I open it I get tackled by my bestfriend since I could remember, the one and only, Ryan.

''Heey Man! Long time no see buddy. We miss you up there in Canada. The cold isn't the same with out you.'' Ryan exclaimed. We haven't actually seen eachother for a while and to be completely honest I have missed him a lot like from the moon and back.

''Man me too. I gotta visit up there soon. Maybe after New Years when you all head back Y/N and I will tag along and we can go on like a mini vacation before I start to plan for my new tour thats coming up.'' I explained after we released from a missed brotherly hug.

''YOOO! That would be beast'' He explaims. After we finished our mini bro conversation I hugged Fredo and did my handshakes with Za and Khalil.

''Ok guys so we are going to start decorating the back and make our way to the front of the house; I'm just saying that all of this has to be perfect.'' I told them and they nodded agreeing with me. We devided into two groups since there's six of us including me. Three of us decorated the backyard wit lights (Alfredo, Ryan, and Za), while the other three of us decorated the backyard with ornaments and cute holiday stuff like that which were Khalil, Scooter and I.

After having the backyard perfectly decorated we headed inside, the same groups divided; one group divided one half of the house which included the uptairs half while the other half was decorated by the other group.

~2 hours Later~

''We are finaly done guys.'' I blew out a deep breath as I threw myself on the couch for a 1 minute break since I have to now run to the air port to pick up my mother and father in law ;)

''But it was a work well done guys'' Scooter said patting us on the back. ''Agreed'' is what we all answered at the same time. I blew another deep breath needing the strength to get up.

''Ok guys I have to run; I need to go pick up Y/N's parents at the airport and then take them to a hotel before they come here for the night.'' I explained while putting on my shoes. Have I mentioned how Y/N has this weird type of phobia that we can walk around the house with our shoes on? Well she has that. I've gotten so used to her bickering about it that even when she's not here I still take them off.

''Y/N's PARENTS ARE COMING?! ''Fredo exclaimed while jumping off the couch. Him and her parent's have like this weird connection since they can all speak spanish and I can't; but it's good that m best friend get's along with them.

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