Chapter 22: Stalker ?

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We arrived to THE MALL. I haven't been in this kind of place for ages. Look at all those pretty lights. So many shops and store. The only question is: from where should I begin? It was three floor building with a big ass fountain in the middle of it.

I leaned a little bit and saw that at the bottom of fountain were coins. So I got out one of my pocket and threw it.

"Kaya-san what are you doing?" Kanato leaned too to get closer look.

"Making a wish. Don't you know this thing?" I turned my head to him.

"Humans throw their money away and then complain about being poor. That's a stupid thing that people like to do" Shu said with lazy voice and lay down on a bench next to fountain.

I sighted.

"Kanato, don't listen to him. Look. You take a coin, in your mind say what you wish for and then throw it to fountain. And your wish may come true"

"I see. Nee Teddy, maybe we should wish for something"

'Like a puberty'But I must say that right now Kanato looks not so...creepy him. I like him this way. I sat down on a bench and from my purse I took a list of things that I need.

"Boys, I have a pretty long list. So I might take about 3-4 hours." I said while checking list.

"You really don't need that much time. I give you an hour and then we leave"

"Don't need that much time?! Dude, be realistic" I stood and walked to him. "Shu, darling, look around" I grabbed him by shoulders and forcefully sat him up. Vampire lazily opened his eyes and I sat next to him. "What you see?"

"I few places where I can lay down"

"No. Not that. It's a women's battlefield. This is where you must synchronize your mathematical and physical skills. Look at all those 50 -75% off posters. That's make some people crazy as hell. We fight over those stuff like. I don't vampires fights over blood. Something like that. And knowing me I will definitely get into a fight with some chick. And that takes some time. Plus all the time changing cloths and looking for them adds too. So one hour is not enough. Not with this list" I showed piece of paper. Shu took a look.

"Why do you need 10 duct tape rollers?"

"This information is confidential" I putted my list back in purse and stood up. "So fountain is our main base. We meet here after 3 hours. Kanato you can go to candy shops or whatever and Shu.." he was already sleeping " your thing. And if anything will happen I have both of yours phone numbers " I took off.

First thing that was on my list: cloths. I entered in one of a shops. Instantly my eyes caught shirts and blouses that looked nice. I took my size and went to a changing booth. On my way I took a jacket, pair of pants and loose T-Shits. As I was undoing my shirt buttons I felts strange vibes. It's hard t explain but it was moving from far away towards me. And when they were close to my booth, it stooped and stood there for a moment. Then it walked away. I say 'it walked away' because I heard steps. So that means that was a person. 'Do I have a stalker ? No, no, no, no, no. I must be imagining'

I got out of booth and went to cash register to pay for cloths. I went to few other stores.

*One. Hour. Later*

I got back to a main base and walked to vampire who was sleeping on a bench.

"Right where I left you" I smiled and putted bags on the ground next to him. "How ya doing?"


"That means your okay. You know.." I sat on Shu's belly "...I was on my feet, running around for an hour but I feel energize. Like I could lift a truck or something"'Hmm... Reiji's armchair is butt-friendly, Shu's belly is...but-friendly too. It's like everything around those guys are butt-friendly'

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