Chapter 32: Photograph

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A.N. Hey~ Sorry for the wait. I'm sorry in advance if this chapter will be bad. I hope it won't disappoint you guys. I knew I had to finish it today or else I will have to put it off for another few days. I think I could have wrote a better chapter. So let me know what you think :) Was it worth to wait? On reviews I saw one like suggestion what could happened so I did it. It's from one of a guest. Anywayyyy thank you for all your support guys and have a nice morning/day/evening :)

"Come on Kanato, it's not that bad" I tried to cheer up little vampire. Purple-hair boy was sitting on the floor sobbing. He was pressing Teddy closer to him. "Sweetie?" Boy buried his face in toy. I kneel next to him.

"Stop being hysteric. It's not the end of the world just because it got a little ripped" Ayato was standing next to us with hands in pockets. But his brother didn't respond and continued to sob "Oy. Stop crying"

"Oh for God sake, Ayato..." I looked at red-head

He lightly kicked little vampire which made Kanato to stand up and face his brother. I knew where this was going. You could feel anger rising inside of him. Clenched fist, heavy breathing, intense staring. The shit was about to get real.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Kanato leaned closer to Ayato.

"Stop screaming you pipsqueak. It hurts my ears" older vampire acted normally. Well through all these years he got used to his brothers outbreaks. Come to think of it, how long they had been teenagers ? Does it count like dog year. 10 human years equal 1 vampire year. Anyway, back to reality.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO THREW TEDDY TO THAT NASTY ANIMAL ! IT'S YOUR FAULT IT HAPPENED!" with that he brought Teddy up to Ayato's face level. "Look at him ! LOOK AT HIM!"

"Yes Ayato , look at Teddy. Look at him" I teased him with stupid smile on my face.

Teddy's west was ripped, loosely hanging arm on seam. And the same thing was with Teddy's ear.

"Hey! Don't you dare shout on Ore-sama" he pointed at Kanato "


'If I will play right cards they might end up beating the shit out of each other'

For a moment I was hesitating or rather thinking what should I say. But nothing smart came in my head so I was just like standing there and "Fight, fight, fight, fight..."

They both looked at me as a sing to shut up. I stopped. Ayato folded his arms and turned his head to the side.

"There wouldn't be much of a fight..."

"You're right. I can totally imagine you two fighting like a girls. You know that hand slapping thing" I imitated fight .

"WE'RE NOT A GIRLS !" Now Kanato was shouting on me.

"Ayato is a dude. I'm kinda sure. You...still not sure" last part I whispered. Boy took one step closer to me.

"You" with low voice he grunted giving me a death glare. And that other son of a bitch was just standing there and smiling.

'Me and my mouth. Okay, plan B 'Give a candy to the bear' '

"Look we all tiered from the incident earlier today and you're just depressed because you're...umm...husband here" I pointed at Teddy. Ayato looked at me and mouthed 'husband?' "Is damaged. So how about you let me fix it. I know how to sew and stuff."

For a moment he was looking at me grinning his teeth. "LIKE HELL I'LL LET YOU TOUCH HIM WITH YOUR HANDS !"

"I saw Reiji hiding a jar filled with candies in kitchen cabin behind a flour" with straight face I said.

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