Jake and Adym

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As me and Adym sat Down to eat lunch, This grey Honda pulled up, then all of a sudden Jake comes out. Jake walks over and says Adym I going to steal your gf no matter how long it takes. Adym rolls up his sleeves and I can tell he is about to punch Jake. I ask Jake to leave politely but he grabs me by my hair and says " What Shorty". I'm about to cry and Adym grabs Jake and punches him. Adym looks at me and asks me if I'm OK. The I realize my past is coming back.... That Jake will hurt me and Adym no matter what it makes :[ and he won't stop till he gets what he wants.

The next day

Jake comes in class with a black eye and Adym grabs my hands and kisses me. I feel like a tool now. Does Adym still love me? Is he using me? I don't know what to do know..... I text Adym.

Text messages:

Me: Adym?

Adym: Yes bae

Me: Do u still love me or are you using me?

Adym: EXCUSE ME.?....

Me: ?

Adym: I punched a guy in the face for you, I said I loved you multiple times. I would never use you like that. Do you think I am?

Me: Well... When Jake came in you randomly kissed me so idk anymore

Adym: Ily

Me: Ily too <3

Adym: You busy tonight?

Me: Nope

Adym: Coming to your house OK?

Me: Ok

Adym Alyxander Yorba :)Where stories live. Discover now