Later that day...

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Adym knocked on my door and I'm let him in. Right noe we are eating popcorn enjoying the movie. My parents are out of town for 2 weeks so its just me and Adym. Me and Adym sit kissing each other he grabs my ass and squeezes it tight and I moan by an accident. He smiles and laughs and he takes me up to my bedroom. He tickles me andi giggle as we sit on my bed and talk. "I wanna know all about your past with Jake". Adym said. I gulp and say Ok...

Back in past

Me and Jake liked each other for along time. We kissed playing truth or dare. He asked me out that day and we where Official. He had sides he would chose them over me. Even when he wanted me he would be drunk and hit me and force me to do things like let him kiss my neck. I thought he actually liked me a popular guy like him...I was wrong. I checked his messages this girl named Chrissy sent him Nudes they did so much together. Enough was Enough for me. I approached him and told him we where done. He slapped me and took a knife and threatened me. The next day he broke up with me and moved to be with Chrissy.

Back to present

"OH WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM" Adym said angrily. You can't tell anyone I told him, he would hurt me or you or my family and friends. "IDC HE HURT YOU!!!"He said. I know he did but I'm fine now I have you and he's out my life c: I'm happier with you now Adym now don't do anything stupid to screw it up..

Adym Alyxander Yorba :)Where stories live. Discover now