You Thought I Would Cry?

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Lucy's POV

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. It's been a year since the first GMGs from the Tenrojima incident, and a year since I've been ignored and treated as if I were invisible. The only thing that's keeping my sanity in tact is seeing Natsu's goofy smile, even if it's not directed at me, and my three new spirits. Sure, you could call me obsessed with Natsu, but lately, he's been glancing my way! He's the only one even acknowledging me! I happily get up and take a bath. I used to use strawberry and vanilla body wash, but I changed it to charcoal and lavender smelling body wash, which I made myself. After my bath, I changed into my clothes, a black crop top with purple linings, attatchable black and purple sleeves, and a black skirt with a dark purple belt (media). I still had my original keys, but lately I've been hunting down black keys, or demon keys. So far I have three. Azazel, Cerberus, and Astaroth. Azazel is actually very kind to me, but he just pretends to hate me and others in public. Cerberus is like my pet, I almost always have him out, except when I'm in the guild. Astaroth is very formal and calm, but he can be very loose and kind. After I got those 3 keys, a symbol appeared on my back, but high enough to where all of my shirts cover it. It was a 666 In a circular shape. I walk outside and chant,

"Open, Gate of the Hell Hound, Cerberus!" And just like that, Cerberus appears underneath me and I giggle. I lightly tap his leg.

"Onward, Cerberus! To Fairytail!" He howls then races off to Fairytail. Once he gets in front of the guild hall, I hop off him and he disappears. I walk inside only to be greeted by Natsu. Then, he smirks.

"Oh, hi Lucy. I was looking for you. So, I'm kicking you off the team. We don't want weak mages on our team. And face it, you're weak, useless, and slutty. You hide behind your weak little spirits and always complain about your rent." My face was covered by my bangs, and everyone was looking at me, smirking. Then he chuckled.

"You gonna cry, weakling? Tch, ridiculou-" He was interrupted by a giggle. Then a laugh. And then a fit of maniacal laughter. I gripped my head with my hands and fell to my knees, still laughing. It was hilarious! SO FUCKING HILARIOUS! I FUCKING HATE HIM! I HATE HIS STUPID SMILE! Thinking about how they all thought I would cry made me laugh even harder. I lifted my head up and saw them all looking at me, scared, backing away a step or two. I took away my hands from my head and dug into the wood, pulling out sharp chunks of wood. I stood up shakily, still giggling. Without warning, I pinned Natsu down and was about to stab his pretty little neck when someone pulled me back.

"ARG, STOP! STOPITSTOPITSTOPITSTOPIT! LET ME KILL HIM!" I screamed, kicking at whoever pulled me back.

"Relax, Luce. It's me, Azazel, okay? Calm down real quick." I stopped kicking. My hand twitched and I dropped the sharp piece of wood. Azazel was like a brother to me, and same with Astaroth.

"Sorry, Zazey..." I mumbled. Zazey was my nickname for him, and he liked it.

"Hey, it's okay." I looked at my hand. The disgusting mark was still there. I put my hand over it and erased the mark. Azazel tried getting me to stand but I refused. Then he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder, though I was still glaring at the stunned Natsu on the ground. Soon, I was back at my apartment. Azazel sat me down on my couch and soon Astaroth and Cerberus were next to him.

"We have received a message from Satan, Lucy." Astaroth says. I look at him questioningly, and he takes his hand out.

"Well, he saw your outburst at Fairytail, and he has also seen your interest in Black, or Demon, Keys. He, well, has been amused by you, which is very rare. Him and his wife, Fònos, want to train you. In short, they wish to be your adoptive family and train you to be the Princess of Hell. Do you accept, Lucy? Just take my hand." I was shocked but giggled evilly and placed my hand on Astaroth's, and in a flash, I was in front of a black gemstone looking mansion. Around me was bloody rocks and soil to the point where it all looked red. The sky was a blood red with no clouds or sun or moon, and all of the trees were dead and rotting. Astaroth, Cerberus, and Azazel led me into the mansion, and I was greeted by a man and woman. Both had red skin, demon wings, and horns. The man only wore black pants, with short black hair, and the woman had a beautiful black laced and silver chained dress, with long black hair.

"Welcome. It appears you have accepted my offer of becoming our daughter and Princess of Hell. We shall hold your Coronation and Transformation soon. Strip your clothes. Do not worry, here it is normal for some to be naked, and none of us are perverts, as humans say." The man, whom I assume is Satan, chuckled. I nodded and stripped my clothes. He asked me to turn around, and I did. They both gasped. The lady, whom I suppose is Fònos, says,

"You have Satan's Symbol on your back! *sigh* I guess it was fate. See, whomever holds that symbol is considered worthy royalty material in Hell. Step up onto this altar, your transformation will begin once we call all of the demons here." I nodded and stepped onto a red and black vined altar. One by one, demons poured into the room, andFònos silenced them all.

"Demons of Hell! We called upon thee to show thee thou Princess. Lucy Heartfelia, doth thou promise to protect Hell with thou powers?" I nodded my head.

"Then I, Fònos Hades, hereby name thou Luciza Hades, Princess of Hell! Thou transformation begins!" I suddenly felt a large mass of pain surging through me, and I closed my eyes and screamed. When I opened them, I was wearing some sort of purple armor, and my hair had grown to my lower back. I looked down and saw a black, scaly tail swooshing back and forth slowly (cover of the book).Fònos put a large mirror in front of me, and I saw black wings and horns on me. I smiled evilly, showing razor sharp teeth.

"Luciza, you will begin training tomorrow. Get some rest, your body will be sore. Dismissed!" One by one, the demons walked outside of the building, andFònos directed me to my room (media).

 Dismissed!" One by one, the demons walked outside of the building, andFònos directed me to my room (media)

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"Goodnight,Fònos. Thank you." I bowed and she smiled and closed the door. I slammed myself onto the bed and fell asleep.

INSANE ROUTE- Satan's Daughter, Lucy Heartfelia (Lucy's Revenge, Zerlu)Where stories live. Discover now