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Lucy's POV

I woke up peacefully, no sun shining in my face. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 10:03. I yawned and got up, stretching my new wings. I heard a knock at my door and opened it to find Fònos there.

"Ah, greetings Mother. Are we starting training today?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Come, I'll take you to the training grounds." I nodded and followed her to a large, clear piece of land.

"Now, Luciza, I need you to concentrate. Focus all the darkness in your mind, and transfer it to your soul, your whole embodiment and being. Chant after me.

Thy beings of Darkness,

Devils Arise,

Satan give me strength,

For I am Luciza Hades,

Princess of Hell.

Okay?" I nod and think about him. How much I hate his smile, how he underestimated me. I thought about Fairytail, how they treated me like family then tossed me out like garbage. I HATED THEM ALL! I could feel darkness surrounding me.

"Thy beings of Darkness,

Devil's Arise,

Satan give me strength,

For I am Luciza Hades,

Princess of Hell." After I chanted that, I could feel the darkness transferring inside me as magic power. I felt like I could cast Urano Metria for years and barely be tired. I heard clapping and opened my eyes, and smiled when I saw Fònos clapping.

"Very good, Luciza! Now, I will bring my good friend Zeref to train you to control your Black Magic. Maybe you two will even hit it off~" She says with a smirk. OH HEEEEELLL NAW.

"Uh-wh-pffftttt whaaat?? naawww.." We both shared a good laugh, but we were interrupted by a low chuckle. We turned around and saw Zeref, with an amused face.

"Let's start training, shall we?" I nod and smile evilly.

I'll kill you all soon, Fairytail... JUST YOU WAIT!

~timeskip, 10 hell years, 1 earthland year~

"Ok, Luza, after you pull this off, you'll complete your training! Then you can go kill those Fairy scum who hurt you!" Zeref said. I smiled evilly, focusing all my magic power into my soul.

"DEMON SOUL, HADES!" I felt magic power surge through me. I closed my eyes and saw a mirror with my Demon Soul, Hades, in it (media). I opened my eyes and smirked.

"Nice! Now I can FINALLY train this form!" I chuckled evilly and turned to Zeref, already in his battle position

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"Nice! Now I can FINALLY train this form!" I chuckled evilly and turned to Zeref, already in his battle position. I shouted the first spell that came to my mind.

INSANE ROUTE- Satan's Daughter, Lucy Heartfelia (Lucy's Revenge, Zerlu)Where stories live. Discover now