Skull Helifir

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Lucy/Skull's POV

I woke up to the sound of beeping and rubbed my eyes, sitting up and smashing my fist onto the alarm clock, breaking it in half. I stood up and stretched, and spiffed up my outfit. I leared my throat.

"WAKE THE F*** UP!" At that moment, everyone was out of bed and saluting.

"Get ready, GMGs start soon!" Everyone teleported into a new outfit and we all teleported to the Domus Flau.

"Welcome to the Grand Magic Games, kabo! This year, 6 guilds are participating! Let's start off with the 6th place guild in the Preliminary Round... Quatro Cerberus! In 5th place, we have Mermaid Heel! In 4th place, we have Lamia Scale! In 3rd, we've got Sabertooth! And in 2nd place, we have... Fairytail!" Gasps were heard throughout the stadium, including the other guilds.

"In 1st place, we have a new guild... Hell's Pentagram, kabo!" We walked out of our stadium and smirked.

"In Hell's Pentagram, we have Skull Helifir, Azazen Helifir, Astoreth Helifir, Halphal Jade, and Lucifer Damau!" Whisper and murmurs were going around, mostly if we were a dark guild.

"For those who are questioning if we are a Dark Guild, no, we are not. However, we are not light either. Like Yin and Yang, we all have a balance in our Guild." I say, my face emotionless. 'Ooh's' were heard throughout the crowd. We walked over to Fairytail, which consisted of Natsu, Gray, Erza, Laxus, and Lisanna, earning weary glares.

"Greetings Fairies. How are you?" I say, in a monotone voice. They're glares fade slightly, but still existed.

"What do you want? Here to gloat of making it first place? Even if you won the Preliminary, you're still gonna lose, wench!" Lisanna said. I scoffed and turned to face her, my eyes a slight brownish-red.

"Honestly, the only thing humans care about it pride and fame. When taken away, they claim to be depressed and miserable, when in reality they're fragile porcelain dolls that shatter whenever an insult or loss is thrown at them. If you think I will stoop to such a low level like yourself and your team, you're wrong. No one should get used to winning, nor should they under-estimate their opponents, else they'll break and consider the other team 'cheaters' or blackmail them for the win so they can feel good about themselves. Suck it up and face that you will not always win, there is always someone higher than you, and stop acting like you're all Gods. Because you aren't. Farewell." My eyes turned back to it's normal brown, and I turned on my heel and walked to my stand, my demons following. Just by the silence, I could tell everyone heard what I said, and might be suspicious at my wording, well, except Sting and the other Masters because they heard I was half demon, though I am a full demon ;).

"And now, to the mini-game portion, kabo! This game is a singing competition! Choose a member and please walk down to the arena!" I was already down at the arena, waiting for everyone else. Hey, I might be a demon, but I still love singing!

"From Hell's Pentagram, Skull Helifir, kabo!" From Fairytail was Lisanna, from Lamia Scale was Lyon, from Mermaid Heel was Milianna, In Sabertooth was Yukino, and Quatro Cerberus forfeit because none of them could sing. Ha, suckers. I stepped up on the stand, volunteering to sing first.

"I am singing a song of my own." I grab the microphone and grabbed a hard drive from my pocket, with music installed on it. I kinda had a feeling there would be singing. I plugged in the hard drive and straightened my back, then started singing.

"I haven't been myself lately, I don't blame you for not wanting to stay 

Saying things that I don't mean,

Not meaning what I say 

When it's good, it so good, When it's bad, It's SO BAD 

Maybe I REALLY have gone MAD

What am I supposed to say 

When I end up driving everyone's away? 

Cause, I am on fire, A crying, Burning liar, 

Seeing nothing, nothing, but myself, 

And I'm the one with the lighter, 

Every inch of me is charred, God, What happened to my heart

I'm about to fall apart, 

Again, again 

And you're never coming back, 

And I'm not okay with that, 

And I should've never let myself get ATTACHED,

 Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, 

 Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, 


What's done is done, And nothing's gonna change. 

I should be moving on, But, I still feel the same. 

 And it's like, Every day, Is a fight, For my life, To get some self control,

 And when you've forgotten who I am, It just feels, It just feels... 

I'm nobody at all. 


I lost myself 

Hitting the ground

 I tried to scream 

And made no sound 

I should have known It was no use To try and run from, 

 The cycle of abuse, The cycle of abuse, 

 I am on fire, A crying, Burning liar, 

Seeing nothing, nothing, but myself,

 And I'm the one with the lighter,

 Every inch of me is charred, God, What happened to my heart?

 I'm about to fall apart,

 Again, again 

And you're never coming back, And I'm not okay with that, 

And I should've never let myself get- 

Every inch of me is charred, God, What happened to my heart

I'm about to fall apart, 

Again, again 

And you're never coming back, And I'm not okay with that, 

And I should've never let myself get ATTACHED

 Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, 

Again, Again, Again, Again, Again, Again,  Again, Again."

Everyone was cheering and clapping, and I grabbed my hard drive and walked off the stand. Everyone else's songs were terrible, and I ended up winning, getting my team 10 points, and we were in first place, followed by Fairytail and Sabertooth.

I have the perfect plan to slaughter you, Fairytail~ Mentally, and physically.. I'll make you regret what you did to me, ignoring me, calling me weak and a crybaby, insulting me, humiliating me, beating me, YOU WILL ALL BE SLAUGHTERED MERCILESSLY!

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